If Climate Change Really Behaves Like A Husband?

What a husband usually does after a few years of his marriage.

He loses interest in his wife and develops more interests in others' wives.

The same rule applies to climate change with a little difference.

It affects those more which creates it less while affecting less those which create it a lot.

A wife cares more for her husband and gets lesser in return. A girlfriend cares less for her boyfriend and gets more in return.

climate change
It is a brutal injustice that those who are causing climate change are not its worst victims. While those that are not contributing much to it, are suffering most from its worst effects.

A less-developed country - like Pakistan - does not pollute the air as much as a developed country does.

Also, developed nations have all the safety measures to stay safe from the harms of air pollution.

Also, they have a proper system to counter the adverse effects of climate change. So they are not suffering from it as badly as a poor country is doing so.

But a poor country despite emitting lesser smoke is the big hit of climate calamity. Be it a natural disaster or low agriculture produce; a poor country is facing its brunt. It has nothing much to ward off its disastrous effects.

Does climate change hit all with the same power?

It looks true that climate change does not hit all with the same whip. But it is not true. What we are seeing right now as an effect of a fast-changing climate is the immediate effect. Its long term impacts will be more disastrous. It will shroud the whole world and all countries will be facing their impacts sooner or later.

What are the immediate effects of climate change?

Our climate does not change in days or in months or even in years. It takes a long time to reach its present level. Now the global temperature is not ready to stop and is adamantly rising day by day. We are watching its impact on everything.

Now there is no certainty about the weather. A cyclone came into being at once and sweeps the coastal belt of a whole region. It happens because of uneven weather trends.

climate change
In the same fashion, rains don’t have set patterns. That’s why no one can plan to conserve rainwater because of no estimate on how much water it will add on earth.

So it is now difficult to conserve rainwater in scarcity-hit areas to grow crops.

Shortage of food is the biggest effect of climate change

Hotter climate is containing the fertility of soil as well. Now crops are not growing as much as these used to be a few decades ago. As a result, low agriculture produce creates a shortage of raw material in the food sector.

The demand for food is inelastic

Everyone knows food is the basic necessity and its demand is inelastic. If you don’t have food you can’t meet your hunger by watching a movie.

Lowering of living standard

Whatever price you have to pay you will pay to buy a piece of bread for your physical survival.

So you will buy comforts and luxuries lesser because of buying food at higher prices.

Impact of food scarcity on our world

What would be its ultimate impact on this world? The standard of living will not improve much. People will work almost like machines to meet their physical needs. They will not have much money to enjoy life and will not become much civilized.

climate change
A consistent shortage of resources makes a person gloomy. It brings on negativity in him. It also shrinks his productivity and as result productivity of the world suffers a lot.

Owing to the lack of food resources people get much eager to buy more in a lesser amount. They try to earn more in lesser time to meet their basic as well as higher-order needs of comfort and luxuries.

Their madness for earning more and more made them like machines. They forget they are human beings first and then is the turn of their needs. They forget the basic lessons of humanity. Relations lose their values and every relationship revolves around money.

Materialism overpowers ethics

The whole of society becomes materialistic in nature. People forget everything that brings eternal happiness.

Ultimately art and culture go away from society. People all the time think to meet their basic needs and get more in lesser time. This is happening right now. But not as much broadly as it could be shortly if no one controls further worsening of climate change.

Control the main cause of climate change

We all know the main cause of climate change is the rising amount of air emissions into our environment. If we control our carbon footprint so it will bring a big change.

It can’t happen at once. We need to change our consumption habits. We need to alter our reliance on machines to get pleasure. We need to convince that machines can never give eternal pleasure to us.

It is the real spirit of life that makes us happier for a longer period. Be it a true smile of our loved one, a good company of someone special to us or a huge hug from our family member. It can make us happier than a hamburger or pizza can do. Tasty food just ends our hunger but can't spin our hearts with pleasure.

How to control climate change?

So to control your carbon footprint you should just try small things daily.

Eat but never waste food. Drive your car but do it when you really need to go somewhere in the car.
Use electricity to lighten your life. Not to darken others' life by over-consuming energy.

If you consume a share of others obviously it will be generated more and emit more smoke to add air pollution.

We can save if we want

Our little care to our environment can do a lot to save our planet from further annihilation. Else our coming generation would just be searching a safer place to live. They will never find such a place on this planet. This one is the only one we have to live in. Do take care of it. 

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