Top 7 jaw-dropping reasons to go green easily for a longer life

Go green is one of the most popular phrases we use in our conversation. In newspapers, TV shows and general debate it is more widely used all over the world.

Rising level of environmental pollution and natural resources' depletion has compelled people to take this phrase seriously. Green global leaders also want each one of us go green to make planet Earth greener and safer place to live.

Unfortunately this term is mostly used just for the sake of showing how much aware we are. We simply condemn environmental degradation. We slam every act of polluting. But we mostly take pollution at macro level. We forget to admit how our little actions hit our natural environment and even we don’t know what we are doing against it.

go green now for a healthier life

So we need to bring smaller changes in our way of living and must go green now at individual level to keep our kids safe from all types of pollution hazards. After going green it seems nice to talk vehemently against giant polluters and lethargy of governments to control pollution.

Why we must go green now

Go green means to be environment friendly. By adopting a green living we fully use things of daily life before discarding it to generate waste.

So to go green, we must buy organic or natural things and avoid every type of chemical that is used for instant but harmful results. We need to go for things that have minimum packaging to generate less rubbish after their use.

We should switch to natural gas for our energy needs and consume as much lesser as possible to conserve our resources. In short we should try to avoid every act that may harm our environment. While doing this we don’t feel we are on duty but make it as our life style and eventually we enjoy a lot with it.

If we don’t do this we will have lesser resources and people may fight with each other to grab maximum resources. It is widely predicted that next world war would be waged to posses more and more natural resources.

Right now our water resources are so much scarce that out of 6.5 billion population of the world nearly 2.5 billion people are facing water shortage all across the globe.

We have wasted our food resources so much so that now scientists are exploring edible insects to meet the food shortage.

Before we are forced to eat unconventional food we must stand up for the cause of protecting our fast depleting natural resources.

Obviously no one would like to see next world war in his life time and that too on natural resources.  

The dumbest fallacies about go green

Despite of being aware of its significance, we don’t take it a normal way of living. We assume that before doing every work we need to check if it is green. Or we need to live like people do in ancient time. We have to avoid machines, fast affecting products and fast way of living. We are afraid that by following a green way of living we would lag behind others in every field.

This is absolutely nonsense. If we use natural products instead of chemical ones we will grow stronger and will become more competitive. If we avoid every act that may cause pollution it will benefit us first because we will not get into its direct contact. If we use green energy we will not be inhaling smoke which we do while using conventional forms of energy.

So this is our misunderstanding about green living. It is fully a natural way of living and absolutely a normal lifestyle.

7 ridiculously powerful reasons to go green now

In view of such fallacies and misunderstanding about going green it is must to know its real benefits and why we must follow this safest way of living. So, here are top 7 reasons we must go green now.

1. Actions speak louder than words

If a tiny minority of polluters see huge majority of green lovers around it ,will it dare to continue polluting the environment?

Polluters hit the environment because they know who cares? They know that who has much time to take action against them. That is why acts of polluting instead of declining are rising everywhere and a handful of people just make hue and cry against them.

So our every action must reflect how caring we are for our Mother Nature to let them know We Do Care.

2. If we really love our kids

How was this world when we were kids? Was it that much panicky as it is now. Didn’t our elders have lot of time to be with us? Our elders had much time to guide us how to spend a healthy life.

There was no big threat to environment at that time; that is why they were quite satisfied about our health and well being.

But now do we have same level of satisfaction for the well being of our kids. Are we fully satisfied our kids are quite safe from all health hazards? Are our kids as much healthier, lively and energetic as we were?

So this is the high time to put aside false hopes of any auto-improvement in our way of living. We must do it ourselves and go green for the safer health of our kids. 

3. If we want a healthier old age

How were our elders in their old age? Did they suffer from chronic diseases as every second person is suffering from such diseases now? Our forefather used to do all their work by themselves. Now even middle aged parents keep asking their kids for any tiny work. Now we are relying more on our kids for our small chores.

If it continues we will be fully relying on our children who won’t have much time to take care of us. So we need to go green and become healthier by adopting a healthy life style, else we won’t be able to spend a dignified life in our old age.

4. If we don’t want to go broke

Money counts a lot in our life. We can make our life happier if we have handsome amount of savings. This we can get if our medical bills are not much higher.

If we don’t waste our resources and use the things with care to make them work for a longer period of time and make a lot of savings. In this way we have money to meet unforeseen expenses and will never be in financial crunch.

For this we need to go green and adopt a living style that follows using things till the end of their service life and we don’t have to spend more money for our daily needs.

5. For real happiness

What is the use of lot of money if our lungs don’t work properly? What is the pleasure of a long journey if we need to take medicine several times in a day to cure any chronic disease?

We can be happy in its real sense if we are quite healthy. Then we can enjoy all stages of our life during our professional life and our retired life both.

So instead of waiting for free time to go green we must adopt green way of healthy living from now to get real happiness.

6. For living longer

We can see huge death toll because of various types of pollution all across the world. If such data is reproduced here many readers might feel their heart sinking. So to avoid such sinking feelings we need to go green for now and ask others to follow us.

In this way we will be away from harms of pollution and gradually be safe from them. For a longer life it is must to avoid harms of all types of pollution as much as we can and enjoy this world that is still a beautiful place to live.

7. To admit bitterest reality

The planet Earth is the only planet where we can live. This is the bitterest reality and we must admit it. We need to accept it in its true sense.

If we really believe in this fact we will take care of it. If we know a good thing remains only one we have how we will take care of it. In same fashion we need to take care of our planet and go green from today.

So are you going green from today?

Need not to make a pledge for lengthy dos and dons. We simply need to make our habit to always care for our environment and avoid all those acts that can harm it.

Instead of two lights if we manage to do work in one we should not shy to switch off the one. If we see rubbish littering here and there we should not wait for someone to pick it. We just need to stand up and pick that rubbish and put it into the garbage bin.

So, small actions that avoid generating waste, harming environment and depleting resources should be part of our nature to go green now.

Now your turn

I would love to read your views in comments section about how much green living you are following. What is your pledge(s) to do more for the cause of better environment? Is anyone around you who take it as abnormal way of living? Do share your thoughts below.

I am sure you will share this post on social media to let more people know about these incredible reasons to go green for a longer, happier and safer life. 

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