3 Tricky Ways To Recycle Your Kitchen Items And Save Money

Nothing is useless in this world. It is we who because of our unawareness throw away mostly so many used things assuming that they have ended their service life. This is absolutely wrong. 

We do so just because we don’t know how to recycle smartly any household item after fully using it more particularly of common kitchen items.

3 dazzling benefits of giving second life to a used item

Generally every type of used item from car to kids clothing could be reused or recycled to save:
·         A lot of time which we spend to buy a thing that could be created by recycling a used item
·         Money by not buying a thing and get it by recycling an old thing
·         Environment by not throwing a used item in garbage and not adding pollution load on our earth
These are the three most distinct benefits of giving a second life to any usable item. Just a little awareness on how to do that you need and you can achieve the above benefits quite easily.
When it comes to common kitchen items it becomes easier to give your common kitchen items a second life. You need not to formally recycle them for any usage outside kitchen. Most of the things could also be used for another purpose inside kitchen.

Kitchen garbage is gold

The most precious thing in the kitchen that apparently does not have any value is your kitchen waste. It could be converted into natural manure to grow plants in your lawn without any fear of negative impacts that usually have by using chemical fertilizer.

Just one time effort is required to shift the organic garbage of your kitchen that consists of peels and unwanted pulp of vegetables and fruits apart from things that were fully extracted after extracting their juice or soup. You can just bury them in a separate chunk of land in your garden or in the soil of your courtyard for a few days and then get the natural manure easily. This entire process is called composting.

Here is the step by step guide to do composting by your own and avoid using chemical fertilizer to grow plants in your garden.

So by growing vegetables with the composted natural manure you can cook so many tasty dishes in your kitchen and save money that you have to spend otherwise for buying these vegetables from the market.

Boxes and wrappers

It is so common to put out a newly bought item from a box or unwrap it for use without any care and damage it just to get that item quickly out. In this way we make that box or wrapper unusable for any other purpose.

So from now open any box or wrapper with the thought in mind to reuse it for any other purpose. Inside your kitchen you can reuse all such boxes and cans that are of edible items like milk, egg or coffee.

Metallic boxes could be reused permanently for keeping pulses and spices into them. So never buy jars for keeping such items of daily use and just aim to get them from packed items be they tins or metallic boxes.

Yes, paper or card board boxes and wrappers could be used just once and at least they could be used to put the kitchen garbage into them to easily transfer the waste into the main dustbin of your home.


Once crockery gets older or out of fashion you stop using it for serving food on table. So you can use it inside kitchen for washing cooking items like meat, vegetables or pulses. So always reuse crockery inside kitchen for keeping things for the time being into them. No one will see which utensils you are using in your kitchen for which purpose. Lolz

These are the three easiest ways to give second life to your most common kitchen items. Do you think there are some other ways to do that? Just share your views in comments section below.

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