So what if I pollute the environment. Can you stop me?

It’s the 11’o clock in the morning. A person in not-so-good dressing gets down from an almost obsolete vehicle and gets into the factory located in an area with a stinking odor of industrial waste and rubbish.

He gets into the factory after showing his service card to the watchman who reluctantly allows him to go inside. His confidence shows he must have the authority to get into a factory.

He is then taken to a lavishly designed office where a person is sitting and nothing is on his table. He soon after entering the room asks the person sitting on the other side of the table without doing any formalities.

pollute the environment
Well; I am a government official. Can I see any top manager of this factory? 

You can talk to me, I am the owner of this factory.

I want to ask you that do you treat the effluent of your factory before disposing of it?

Treat, what do you mean by treat; is that effluent sick that I should treat it medically?

No, treat means naturalizing its harmful effects before releasing it into the same water body which you are doing now without treating the effluent of your factory. You know it is not good to pollute the environment.

No, I don’t do this and why should I waste my time and money both to neutralize it, am I a fool.

But you have to do this because environmental law asks you to do this and not pollute the environment.

What is environmental law, where it is, I don’t know about such law? This is the problem of rich countries. We are a poor country and business is already very slow here and you want to make it slower by slapping another condition on us.

It means if you don’t know about any law you are not bound to obey it

Yes why did the government not tell me about it soon after publishing this law?

The job of the government is to pass a law and after that people have to abide by it.

But why I alone follow this law, why others are not following it.

They will also follow the law but you should stop your act of polluting.

Why should I stop my act of polluting; you mean I waste my money to treat the effluent before its disposal and they guys do nothing and earn more than me. It’s not fair!

Do you know what is fair and what is unfair?

Oh don’t teach me morals and let me run my factory as I want.

But you have to do this; otherwise, legal action can be initiated against you because you pollute the environment.

Who the hell are you to insist me abiding by environment law? Is there anyone who can initiate legal action against me?

I am official of pollution control agency of your area and it is my duty to make all abide by green laws.

O I see that is why you are insisting me to stop polluting but you don’t know me fully.

I know you are the owner of this factory.

No, it is not my complete intro man; I am more than simply a factory owner.

What do you mean by “more than”, do you have more businesses?

No, my dear, I am not talking about my several factories and businesses all across the country.

Then what do you mean by “more than”.

My dear, I am a member of the ruling party of this country, my younger brother is a powerful bureaucrat and my two cousins are ministers in the federal government.

Oh, I see; sir you should have told me this earlier; I might have said some hard words to you because of not knowing you full. I beg your pardon sir; I am a poor man of this poor country.

I was just testing to what extent you can go in the line of your duty.

Fine sir but may I still ask you to follow the environment law and not pollute the environment.

No, you need not ask further and waste my time.

OK, sir, I am going and call me for any service anytime, I will be happy to serve you; I am a poor man sir.

No, I don’t need anything from you just take this envelop and get out.

What is inside this sir?

Nothing; it’s just a tip, a token of a good gesture from me.

Oh, thanks a lot sir. God bless you, you are so good, a responsible citizen of this country, we must be proud of you.

OK now what do you think; am I not following any bloody environmental law.

I don’t know sir; you seem to be a law-abiding person.

Are you sure?

I am sure sir how can a brother of top bureaucrat and cousin of two ministers break any law.

Good, you are a very realistic person. OK take this money and tell all how environment-friendly I am.

Right sir; I will keep telling others about your environmental friendliness.

OK, bye and never come back (murmurs) bullshit.

To Be Continued

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