Go green is one of the most
popular phrases we use in our conversation. In newspapers, TV shows and general
debate it is more widely used all over the world.
Rising level of environmental pollution and natural resources' depletion has compelled people to take this phrase seriously. Green global leaders also want each one of us go green to make planet Earth greener and safer place to live.
Unfortunately this term is mostly used just for the sake of showing how much aware we are. We simply condemn environmental degradation. We slam every act of polluting. But we mostly take pollution at macro level. We forget to admit how our little actions hit our natural environment and even we don’t know what we are doing against it.
So we need to bring smaller changes in our way of living and must go green now at individual level to keep
our kids safe from all types of pollution hazards. After going green it seems
nice to talk vehemently against giant polluters and lethargy of governments to control pollution.