How to make environment friendly disposal of your old books?

tips to make environment friendly disposal of old books
Every house has old books either general or related to school and college. Some people dispose of the books of their kids as soon as they are promoted to next grade. Many other simply keep them in store hoping to give them to some needy relatives or they just put them without any plan. Similarly if there is a book lover in the family he keeps buying books and makes a huge collection. When he gets busy in any business or job he has not time to enjoy his book and simply lock them in shelf and after his death family members just discard them without any objectivity.
If old books become older and lost their worth they also become part of the garbage. So before letting they turn into garbage we need to make their reuse as much as possible. For this purpose the following three approaches are the best one.


This is the most profitable way for the environmental friendly disposal of your old books. There are several traders of old books in every city you can sell easily to them with quite good prices. But the only need is to sell them as soon as you feel no more need of unwanted books. In this way some other low income group people can buy them from old book stores for themselves and for their school-going kids.


If you don’t want to sell them even then there is another way for the environment friendly disposal of your old books. In mega cities of most of the countries there are several non-governmental organizations that are working for the cause of education in less privileged segment of their society. Such NGOs collect the old books by installing book collection centers at various localities of big cities apart from maintaining a permanent stall in their regular office. You just need to make a call to such NGOs in your city by getting their phone numbers from their website to ask them collect your old books for their dole out to needy people.


In advanced countries recycling industry is already established. You can sell your old books to any recycling company of your area for their environmental friendly disposal. If you are from any least developed country then you don’t have any other choice but to discard it as garbage. In this case also you can sell them to any scrap trader for its ultimate sale to make small paper bags for grocery items. In this way you will make possible another use of your old books.

So these are the three possible ways for the environment friendly disposal of your old books. You may apply your mind for some other possible ways if a few are in your country. Please do share them with our readers in the comments section below. Our main objective should be to mitigate the garbage pollution as much as we can. This is the only way we can control pollution to make this world a beautiful place to live. 

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