Top 8 tips to organize a green exhibition in your area

ways to organize a green exhibition
To invite public attention towards various environmental issues of your area and to involve them to resolve such issues, there are several options to achieve your objective. One of them is green exhibition where you ask companies to install their environmental products and publicize it for general public to attend it and be familiar with various green products. In this way they get to know availability of green options against the conventional products and services that are not much environmental friendly. As a result of your promoting the green trends in public, their consumption pattern becomes environment friendly.

First step

To organize a green exhibition first of all you have to decide which type of pollution you need to address first. For this purpose you select the one according to its gravity in your area. If there is no support to green products in your country you need to support them either you are a government department, non-governmental organization or an environmental activist group. You need to help them promote their green products without minimum marketing cost to increase their sale. Similarly if industries have no guidance to control their pollution level you may organize a green exhibition to display various environmental control technologies to make them familiar of their features to prompt them utilize such technologies.


To organize a green exhibition you need to do consultation with the group of companies or industries for whom you want to do this event. If you want to promote green products you need to do consultation with green companies or their representative body to convince them to take part in it in maximum number. If they agree to be with you the most important task you accomplish. Eventually you should set participation fee for each green products company to bear the expenses of green exhibition.

Venue arrangement

After that you have to book a venue for arranging your green exhibition. The venue should be vast in area so that several companies can put their stalls to promote their green products. Usually in big cities of every country such huge halls are available for this cause. You need to pay a certain amount as advance payment to confirm the booking.

Confirm the stalls

You have to get confirmation from green companies how many stalls they are putting up. In this way you get to know how much stall fee you will receive from them. Similarly you have to allocate space for each stall. You can also award different categories to stall to generate more funds. You can charge more money to stalls at front side and stalls at back side may be given little relief in fee.

Other sources of funds

Besides stall fee, you can also generate money by getting publicity banners from green companies or the ones that are not interested to put up their stalls to promote their green products and services. You can contact government organizations related to environmental protection to convince them to join you in this cause and install their publicity banners inside exhibition hall to let public know how environment friendly they are.

Publicity of green exhibition

Now the main objective is to bring as much public in the green exhibition as you can. This you can do through:
  1. Announcements in newspapers
  2. Ticker on news channels
  3. Slide on cable network
  4. Announcement on social media
  5. Publicity banners on main spots of your city
  6. Posters on community halls, big offices and educational institutions
  7. Direct mailing of invitation cards to community, consumers and industrial associations

Spot arrangements

You need to hire services of a contractor that sets the stalls within the exhibition hall and you allot them each stall to every company according to terms and conditions already settled earlier. After that you have to set a reception stall where your volunteers guide public about various stalls. You can also put sound system to make announcements of various types during the exhibition to inform public about important information.

Press coverage

This is the reaping moment of your activity. After organizing a green exhibition you must publicize it in print, electronic and social media to let people know its objectives and activities undertaken in it. In this way public not only get motivated to switch over to green products after learning about their features in your press coverage but people also enthusiastically participate in such events in future. 

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