Top 20 home-made solutions for climate change

what are main solutions for climate change
If you can read and listen you must be familiar of the word climate change. You must have read it in newspaper or listen it in news show of your favorite TV channel. It is the most favorite topic of debate for political leaders and especially for those who want to win an election to become president of their country or governor of a state. A few decades ago that term was not much common that is why it was not misused by the political demagogues. But now whoever has to prove a most enlightened person, he or she vocally talks to solve the issue of climate change. But most of such people just talk and talk with no practical action.

What is climate change?

Climate change means instability in the global climate because of rising level of pollution. The sun light which falls on Earth has to bounce back to atmosphere but could not go back because of excess quantity of various gases in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) hold the heat of the sun in the atmosphere that eventually warm the climate of Earth causing melting of glaciers, rising level of sea and eventually extreme uncertainties in weather conditions. The recent wave of heat all across the globe and frequent floods in most part of the world are direct effects of climate change.

Causes of climate change

The main sources of pollution that holds the heat of sun into the atmosphere are burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Burning of fossil fuels is done to run every type of machine that produces energy. You are reading this post on laptop right now it means you are also contributing in increasing the climate change. Your laptop is consuming electricity that is also produced with burning of fossil fuel. Should you switch off laptop to play your role for its mitigation? Not at all, instead a collective action is the need of the hour to apply various solutions for climate change.
Deforestation means cutting of trees that are main source to reduce carbon dioxide from the air which increases air pollution. Because of our growing level of needs of all types trees are cut to produce consumer and industrial goods. It means we should stop using them. No not at all. We need to do several collective actions to reduce climate change. We must follow the golden rule of 3 Rs that is : Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

Attitude of our global leaders

So we must keep this fact in our mind that global demagogues would just be winning their seats in Parliament by making hollow promises to do something practical to adopt various solutions for climate change. It is we the 99% people of the globe who can bring behavioral changes to address the heating issue. Our individual actions can do a lot to stop further melting of glaciers to avoid depletion of our water resources.

Personal steps for energy saving

1. Never let any normal bulb to be lit; you must replace it with energy saver to consume electricity less
2. Take every meal together to warm the food once by using the microwave or gas stove once instead of using it again and again
3. Make a rule to watch TV in living room or lounge and don’t keep TV in each room separately
4. Ask housemates to fill water bottle as soon as it gets empty and put it into fridge instead of using two fridges just to support your lavishness
5. Enjoy older time by shaving with razor instead of electric shaver
6. If your home is small no need to put door bell. Fix a beautiful hand striker on the door to let your guest knock it
7. Switch off computer and laptop after working on it
8. Do walk regularly and bring daily grocery while coming back instead of using vehicle for this purpose
9. Try to use one car and go collectively for job and to school or college if there is not much difference in office/school timings of each family member
10. Even better to use public transport if its system is up to the mark in your country
11. If there is no shortage of CNG in your country shift your vehicle on it permanently because it is green energy and less fossil fuel is burnt in its production

Rule of 3 Rs

12. Try to reuse every can and bottle which gets empty and apply your artistic sense to use it creatively
13. Always use both side of paper while writing to reduce the garbage load
14. Never discard books of your kids when they are promoted in next class; keep them for younger kids or give them to needy neighbors or to any charity
15. Follow the lethal rule of buy less to consume less. In this way fewer trees will be cut to fulfill your consumption needs
16. If a thing has value, don’t discard it and give it to any charity for its reuse by needy people.   17. Some charities even accept used glasses and send them to poor countries for their reuse by destitute people
18. If you don’t want to give your used household items to charity you can also resell them to recycling shop of your area which you can locate on internet
19. Instead of little items buy the huge ones to reduce the load of packaging stuff in your home
20. If there is court yard in your home you must plant at least one tree otherwise identify a place in your locality to do this
Bonus tip: The least reuse of every used clothe is its use as mop or floor cleaner; so never buy a mop and reuse them

So these are the top 20 home-made solutions of climate change which you can apply without paying an extra penny. In most of the cases you can save a lot. We can say if we contribute in the solutions for climate change we can ultimately reduce our expenses and save a handsome amount of money if we apply them permanently. 

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