Top 5 reasons of slow pace of sustainable development

where sustainable development is less
Everywhere there is loud talk on sustainable development but practically it is not taken seriously in most parts of the world. In developed part of the world including America and Europe though it is done in certain sectors but it is not being done across the board in all sectors. Oil and gas sector is its glaring example where powerful lobbies are still in favor of black energy against the green one and fully pressurizing their governments to continue it. In developing and less developed world situation is still alarming.

But what is sustainable development?

It is development you make while fully taking care of environment. If you want to construct a building you must not hit the environment of the area where you want to erect it. If some hit is done to environment you must compensate it after fully completing your building. For this purpose
you have to get the environmental impact assessment of your project done with a consultant and fully follow his recommendations to least hit the environment. In this way you make growth in physical infrastructure without depleting natural resources. Consequently our natural environment keep supporting our artificial development to make it more sustainable. Right?
Here are the top 5 reasons of slow pace of sustainable development in the world.

Lack of vision

Those people and institutions that are doing development in the world mostly lack proper vision of sustainable development. They simply take it as buzzword and just do some cosmetic work to show people they have fulfilled all the environmental requirements while carrying out their projects. But actually they dupe the environmental watchdogs by falsely showing their green compliance in development.

To maintain project cost

It is the effort of the managers of every project to maintain the cost of the project and stop it exceeding from the limit. For this purpose they try to avoid all such expenditures that are not very important. In this effort they also take environmental compliance as unnecessary if there is no any strict green regulatory framework around them. Eventually they do the development without taking care of the environment in surrounding of the project.

Greed for more

Owners of development projects both private and public actually try to save maximum money in each project to enhance its commercial aspect to earn more money from it. In most parts of the world there is no commercial value of green aspect of any project. Either it is green or not, buyers have not much concern about it and they just want to see will it give them huge profits or not.


The subscribers or consumers of development projects have nothing to do with the commercial aspect of the project. They don’t see either a factory or outlet is green while buying a product from it. They just see how much benefit that product will give to them and how much less they have to pay for it. So developers also don’t care about environment because they know this aspect has nothing to do with the sale of their business.

Loose regulatory framework

In most of the developing and less developed countries there is no any strict regulatory framework to check such projects that are done without taking care of environment. Therefore, most of the public and private sector developers don’t give much importance to environmental compliance and just do development with blind eyes for green care. 

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