How to hire green volunteers?

how to make environmental volunteers
In environment sector of Pakistan whether it is government or private one grievance is very common that is usually called lack of staff. It may be an excuse just to shield their lack of will for the protection of environment but this problem can also be solved if they really want to do something for the cause of green. They may hire volunteer without paying a single penny to them. In this way such departments would not only be able to work for the environmental care but they would also overcome the issue of outreach. By hiring the green volunteers from each nook and corner of the country they can get them do any type of green activity in the remotest area of their jurisdiction.
Here are tips to hire green volunteers to work for the cause of environmental care and protection without facing any burden of finances or management.

How to hire green volunteers?

Environmental Volunteers can be hired through:
  • Press Advertisement inviting people join as volunteer
  • Asking stakeholders to nominate people as volunteers
  • Asking staff members of the company to convince people to become environmental volunteers

How to train green volunteers?

After selecting the green volunteers they may be imparted basic training on following topics to make them work for the cause of go-green in their area:
  • Fundamentals of environment
  • Main environmental issues of Pakistan
  • Main legislation on environment in Pakistan
  • Role and responsibilities of provincial EPAs to protect the environment

How to take work from green volunteers?

If someone is volunteer himself, this is your bounden duty to assign him work that he can do without any resources. A green volunteer may be assigned the following work:
  • To make aware surrounding people on environment
  • To motivate people to play their role for improvement of environment
  • To sensitize people on environmental issues
  • To clear the perception of people on environmental responsibilities and their sharing
  • To convince people bring behavioral changes regarding environment
  • To identify environmental violations taking place in their surrounding area

Who can become a green volunteer?

Honestly speaking whoever has pain for environmental degradation can become a green volunteer. However, owing to possibility of adopting any wrong tactic in the shield of his new role one can exploit this responsibility. Therefore, hiring a green volunteer you must ensure the following points about him or her.
  • No criminal proceeding conducted against hime
  • No termination from any government or semi-government department on any criminal offence
  • Must be mentally and physically fit
  • No involved in anti-state activities
  • Must be a citizen of Pakistan
  • Must not be suffering from any contagious disease
  • Must not be a drug addict

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