5 ugly faces of climate change

Earth Day 2013
The face of climate change is ugly everywhere and getting uglier rapidly. This year’s theme of Earth Day reflects the global concerns on rising level of global warming because of the massive burning of fossil fuel. Wherever there is an activity of any kind of machine-based manufacturing burning of fossil fuel is obvious there. Nothing can be manufactured without putting it into a heat process with high temperature.
The global organizer of Earth Day selected a perfect theme “The Face of Climate Change” to sensitize people on the gravity of the issue. Wherever we cast a look we can see an ugly face of climate change but the urgent need is to look it with environmental care. The four ugliest symptoms of climate change are following:

Acute scarcity of water

War analysts have predicted several times that next world war would be on the conflict of water. It shows the level of water shortage everywhere. So far major wars were fought to grab precious resources, business opportunities and hidden treasures in the land of other countries. But now water
would be the basic factor to bring usurpers on loggerhead with each other. The immediate effect of the climate change is evaporation of huge glaciers that are the safest water reservoirs. But they are dwindling rapidly because of warmth of the Earth as a result of rising level of machine-based activities with burning of fossil fuel.

Rising level of poverty

The second ugly face of climate change is pervasive poverty in third world countries. They are suffering from this worst social and economic menace because of its nexus with pollution. Lack of care and planning to protect their environment is the major cause which is depleting their resources. As a result they have less or low-quality raw material. Their cost of production is rising. Consequently their price level is quite up and without the reach of common man. Purchasing power is declining and poor are mushrooming in backward countries. Recent financial crisis of the Europe and America is also because of an indirect impact of the climate change where people consumed more and are able to produce less because of depletion of their resources.

Widespread crimes

Is there any kid who wants to be criminal after growing young? This is the destitution which makes one to do crime to fulfill his needs. Yes eventually he becomes a habitual criminal but initial he has a reason to join the disastrous path of crime. What social maladies he has? Again poverty, scarcity of water, no energy, home in a slum and ultimately a company of bad people. It means one of the reasons of widespread crimes is also worsening impact of the climate change.

Natural catastrophes

The memories of hurricane Sandy are not very stale. Who has forgotten the Tsunami of Japan? The frequent floods in South Asia, earthquake in Far Eastern countries and unending starvation in Africa are in the knowledge of all of us. Their main reason is one; the global warming that has hit the natural balance of the Earth. Now natural disasters are occurring more frequently and without their logical reasons. 

Weak human health

We hear from our elders that how healthy and strong our forefathers were. They never suffered from any disease. They were strong and could have walked miles without any problem. Their food was so rich and they didn’t have any digestive problem. This was because of the pleasant environment and original climate of the world. As a result they got nutritious food, clean air to breathe and pure water to drink. So there should be no surprise over their good health and strong physique. But now how is our health. The overcrowding hospitals can reply this answer pretty well. This is the ugliest face of the climate change.  


  1. There are so many factors that prove we need a more sustainable future to get back on the path of the generations before us. We all need to work together on battling climate change instead of each other over the resources left.

    1. very true; thanks for commenting; peace and blessings on mother Earth
