Another fatal harm of traffic pollution discovered

heart attack because of car pollution
There is another lethal harm of traffic pollution is discovered quite recently. If you stay for a longer period of time daily in traffic pollution it is more likely that you suffer from severe heart attack because of your exposure into it. Earlier this type of pollution carried risk of making us suffer from asthma, throat infection, eyes irritation, weakening of our nervous system, migraine pain, giddying and problems in our arterial system. But a recent study added another confirm harm into already a lengthy list of hazards of traffic pollution that may take our life if prompt precautionary measures are not taken well before the appearance of its signs.

Recent study

The recent study was conducted by Dr Hagen Kalsch from West-German Heart Center in Essen, Germany actually aimed to find that out of noise and particulate matter which element of traffic pollution hits most at the heart of human beings who are under its exposure.

Lab-test report is alarming

A group of 4800 people with an average age of 60 years was tested who have been under the direct access of traffic pollution for quite a long time. According to the lab-test analysis of the entire group almost all of them are likely to suffer from heart attack if they have to face more stress or constant anxiety.

Sources of traffic pollution

Direct source – defective silencer: The main source of traffic pollution is its silencer. If it is maintained properly and the engine of the vehicle is kept in good condition then it may be reduced to a great extent. However, this kind of pollution cannot be fully removed.
Adulterated fuel: In less developed countries there is another source of traffic pollution. That is easy availability of adulterated fuel. It causes more emissions than the pure fuel. Use of green fuel more particularly compressed natural gas can also resolve this issue to a large extent but its easy availability all across the globe is also a question mark. Price disparity is a big hurdle to make it a conventional fuel for vehicles. The countries where gas reserves are less or none in such countries the price of compressed natural gas is near around its black counterparts - petrol and diesel. Only awareness factor cannot be successful to make people switch over from black to green fuel. Price factor actually plays a leading role to change the consumption habits of people.

How to stay safe from traffic pollution

To stay away from persistent exposure to traffic pollution it is necessary to live in purely residential areas quite away from business centers and markets. But it is not possible for those who are living in mid of the cities and towns for centuries. They cannot migrate from one place to another place just to stay safe from traffic pollution. However, living in traffic congested places people should make breathing mask as their essential accessories and must keep it in their handbag. In China this trend is going popular in its mega cities because of the persistent level of air pollution. However, in least developed countries this trend will take long time to be popular because of the lack of awareness on environmental safety measures.


The recent disclosure of more likelihood of heart attack on those people living near the areas of traffic pollution is actually a clarion call for the entire humanity that is just running after machines to get maximum comfort. There are several tips to reduce traffic pollution and how to stay safe from its hazards. But the one that each one of us can adopt easily is the easiest one. We should drastically cut our reliance on vehicles at least for short distances and use our legs that are great gift of nature. 

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