How to become environment minister in any poor country?

how is the status of environment in poor countries
You need not to hold any degree in the discipline of environmental sciences. Nor you should have any experience in the field of any sector related to green horizon. More interestingly if you are not highly qualified even then it's no problem. You have all the eligibility to become environment minister of any poor country of Asia or Africa. You just need to be the member of the parliament of that country and that's all. If you belong to ruling party and have no much say in your party then chances are very bright that you are made environment minister of your country. It's reason is that environment is low-priority sector in poor countries that is why powerful political representatives don't like to become its minister. That is why you can easily take over green portfolio without facing any major competition from your colleagues.

Environment sector is orphan in poor countries

In poor countries orphan is considered a person or thing that does not have any support. The sector of environment is kept in least priority in poor countries. Though environmental problems are
enormous in such countries but some other problems are graver and remain in focus for their early solution. Law and order situation remains precarious in poor countries while corruption, bad governance, sectarianism, poverty, illiteracy and food & water shortages are some other serious problems which need urgent solution. It is another matter that most of these countries fail to solve any of their problems because of the inefficiency of their leadership.

Effects of pollution in poor countries

No data is available in backward countries about their pollution level. Just guesstimates are referred to portray the picture which does not do justice to narrate the actual facts. But the widespread diseases and their higher death rate is enough to tell what is the level of pollution there. 

Level of environmental awareness in poor states

People of poor countries are equally responsible for their environmental decay. They do not play the individual role which they can play to control pollution. They even don't know what is their role for the mitigation of environmental degradation. 

Who controls pollution in poor countries?

There is a pollution control agency in almost all the backward countries but its role remains in paper. Maximum it performs some stereotyped monitoring activities that miserably fail to mitigate the pollution. These agencies are infested with corruption, inefficiency and mismanagement. As a result their performance is almost zero.

How to improve environment in poor countries?

All the poor countries need to understand the direct relationship between poverty and pollution. For this purpose advance nations and global donor agencies have to come forward. Fortunately, there is a small segment of civil society in such countries that is ready to play its role for the protection and improvement of their environment. But environmentally aware civil society groups need proper training to share the burden of their inefficient governments and work as non-governmental organisation to control the pollution. For this purpose global environmental forums have to provide them funding for their capacity building and for the onward delivery of the services of environmental protection and conservation. 

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