Parents plan to leave China on air pollution

Chinese plan to migrate because of low air quality
A new trend has emerged in the capital of China, Beijing where many well-off parents are planning to shift to foreign countries because of the rising level of air pollution. During previous six months smog pollution in Chinese metropolis rose astronomically high leaving the kids at a greater risk of lungs diseases. The talk of migration has gained momentum when people realised that Chinese government is not serious enough to take urgent measures to control the worst type of pollution.

Schools ban outdoor activities

Many schools in the city have banned outdoor activities and asked the parents of the students to keep their kids safe from air pollution on self-help basis. Several parents send their kids outdoor after checking the level air contaminants daily. There is less hope for improvement in the situation because of the compromising attitude of pollution control system of China.

Polluters from public sector

Most of the air pollution in China is done by the state-owned corporations where cost factor is the main hurdle to take revolutionary measures to go green. There is still a communism based economic system in the most populous country of the world that does not support private ownership. In this way polluting companies have government shield to save their skin from any kind of prosecution owing to their acts of environmental violations.

Migration a new impact 

In latest winter the civic administration of Beijing had almost put the ban on outdoor games as the smog pollution almost doubled in the city. However, whether-change later on reduced a little air pollution load there but situation is still alarming as previous. According to social scientists, pollution as the main cause of migration has never been observed all across the globe before this. They are afraid if the situation persists it is likely that a mass exodus may occur in mega city of China. People who can afford to shift to the countries with less pollution will not waste time to make their decision of migration.

Commercial aspect

The sale of various types of air purifier has also shot up in previous one year in main Chinese city. However, cost of such equipment is so high and therefore is out of the reach of middle-income people. Moreover air mask has become the part and parcel of their dress and just for change they wear air masks of various colours.

Effects of air pollution

The immediate effects of air pollution is all the diseases related to lung especially lung cancer. A recent study also revealed if pregnant woman lives in a surrounding of polluted air it is more likely that her kid has lungs disorder just after the birth. Another study also disclosed that kids living in an environment with poor ambient air quality get unsocial and shy by nature. If there is lead in the elements of air emissions then kids may also lose their average IQ level and become dull in their studies. But the likelihood of lung cancer in such grey environment is the most dangerous alarm for Chinese parents.

Where solution lies?

The only urgent step to control air pollution in China is effective green legislation and strict implementation on it. In a race to stay ahead in global markets it has put aside the environmental standards for factory emissions and just producing more and more to retain its global market share. But its people are paying the price of its economic competitiveness. Actually everywhere they are the people who pay the price of all the wrongdoings of their leaders. 

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