Pollution does not discriminate between rich and poor

pollution does not know who you are
It is a common impression that western world has more stringent laws for the pollution control and that is why it may not be suffering from pollution as the less developed world suffers. If we talk about highly polluted cities of the world all of sudden several Asian cities’ names come to our mind. It is right that advance countries have strict green laws but they also have to make production of goods and services with machines that burn fossil fuel. Although cleaner fuels are introduced there but they have yet to fully replace the black fuel. The annual report of American Lung Association ranked the following ten US cities and towns as the most polluted. There is no match of these cities with the world-level most polluted cities but people of these cities are equally suffering from the menace of pollution.


Out of its total 852,000 population nearly 168,000 directly or indirectly suffer from cardiovascular problems. The main reason of high level of air pollution in this town of California is its location. It is surrounded by mountains in three sides which linger the contaminated air in its area. Moreover, it is a main hub of oil production and receives huge amount of diesel soot during manufacturing and refining process of oil. Interestingly this area reduced the level of contamination in its air up to 80 per cent owing to massive air pollution control measures but despite of this huge environmental improvement it still stands atop in pollution level. It is enough to tell how polluted it had been earlier. In future it is likely that farming vehicles’ switch over to clean fuel may further improve its environmental conditions.


It has a population of 260,000 with 51,000 registered cardiovascular cases owing to air pollution and some other reasons including dietary imbalances and less physical exertion that amasses fats in human body.   Main source of air pollution in this US town is vehicular emission because of the traffic load. Another reason of polluted air in this town is its close location to other polluted cities including San Francisco and Oakland.


With a population 1.1 million it has alarmingly 225,000 registered cardiovascular cases that is an eye opener for the environmental managers of its local administration. Last year it witnessed a huge increase in particle pollutants like soot and sulfur dioxide present in smoke and haze that may also increase the asthma and heart disease cases. Here also traffic emissions mainly contribute in higher level of polluted air. 

Los Angeles

Almost 18 per cent of the 18.1 million population of LA suffers from cardiovascular problem. It is famous for one of the most polluted cities in the world with an alarming level of all types of pollution. It is also worst hit by vehicular emissions despite massive switch over to green fuel.


It has a total population of 154,000. The count of reported cardiovascular cases in this town is 30,000 that are quite high and stand 20 per cent of the total population. Its air is polluted with dust particles, soot and several harmful gases. Main component of air pollutants is from nitrate particulate due to huge cattle feedlots in the area.


With a population of 519,000 this city has total 110,000 registered cardiovascular cases. It faces almost all the pollution problems that other mega cities of US face including vehicular and industrial emissions as top amongst them. Open wood burning in winter to get the heat is also another source of air pollution in the area. Because of less rainfall in the town likelihood of wildfire always persists there that keeps the skies smoky for a longer period of time.


It has registered cardiovascular cases of 87,000 in its total population of 429,000. Because of scanty rainfall in the area there is less chance of mitigation of ozone pollution here. Wind pressure from eastward also raises the pollution level in this city located against Sierra foothills. Its proximity to national forest makes it suffer from forest fires and smoke that is a serious pollution problem.


This city has highest number of registered cardiovascular cases. Out of its population of 2.5 million nearly 705,000 suffers from a minor or major cardiovascular problem. This is the hub of steel production and during the manufacturing process of steel metal sometimes coal and coke soot pollutants raise to such a high level that street lights have to be switched on in day time here. Large number of coal-burning power plants is also a major source of air pollution here.

El Centro

It has a population of 177,000 with 37,000 registered cardiovascular cases. It borders with Mexico another highly polluted country because of its loose mechanism to control pollution. That is why El Centro suffers from migrated air pollution from its neighboring country. The flow of traffic from Mexico has brings vehicles that emit more poisonous smoke. As a result this American town suffers the bad environmental governance of its neighbor country.


Here total 164,000 cardiovascular cases registered from total population of 2.2 million. Vehicle exhaust is the main source of air pollution here. An awareness drive slightly worked here to control vehicular emissions. Under this campaign drivers and owners of vehicles were motivated to switch off the engine of their vehicle as soon as they stop it. 

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