Say big NO to pollution on Happy New Year

Let's make new year greener and pollution-free
Every year on the eve of Happy New Year we celebrate and welcome the new year with lot of hopes and best wishes. We sing, dance, party, wish each other, pray for our loved ones, revive our hopes for the good and foresee a happy future for us, our friends and family.
We make several pledges for our physical, financial and social well being. We set targets to achieve during the year. We make commitments to fulfill before the end of the new year. We plan to build a home for our family. We make strategy to switch our job. We dream to fulfill our lofty desires. We make a lengthy list of things-to-do for the coming year.
Did we ever realize that on the eve of every Happy New Year we actually complete another year of life without caring about how pollution is affecting us directly or indirectly? We kept on breathing polluted air during the whole previous year. Several and several among us spent the previous whole year drinking polluted water. So many of us ate several time contaminated food. We did not even think about the harms of pollution we are receiving intentionally or unemotionally.  

Climate change issue in 2012 remains hot

climate change issue remains hot in 2012
Climate change issue has been so hot in 2012 but no any headway was made with regard to its solution. As a result climate change seems to be more intense in coming year. Obviously efforts were made at the global level but most of them confined to the debate just for the sake of the debate. It is the nature of the global community to conclude the issues of apparently urgent nature and remain philosophical over the most vital long-term issues. Most of the advanced nations are very much worried over the war against terrorism but they don’t think it urgent to fret over environmental terrorism that is equally rampant all over the world.
You may also like my article Climate Change Whores

Natural disasters and climate change issue in 2012

Series of the natural disasters all around the world were enough to open the eyes of the green demagogues globally but this issue was also entangled in several ifs and buts. Most of them defended that natural disasters have been lashing the world since the very beginning therefore these should not be linked with the issue of the global warming that emerged just a century ago. Arch supporters of the green peace however, contended that magnitude and frequency of the natural calamities rose to an alarming level because of the menace of the climate change. But green demagogues turned a deaf year over their arguments.

What is environmental performance index?

Switzerland is the number one in environmental performance while Iraq is number last in the category. Latvia, Norway, Luxembourg, Costa Rica, France, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom and Sweden are among the top countries of the word which stand on the top in taking care of their domestic environment through policy making and efficient implementation of the green laws.
According the EnvironmentPerformance Index 2012 (EPI) –it is released biannually by the Yale University – Tajikistan, Eritrea, Libyan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Kuwait, Yemen, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iraq are the worst performers in protection of their domestic environment because of the poor implementation mechanism of their environmental laws. The main cause of concern in the category of worst environmental performers is the presence of India that has huge potential to grow further in industrialization. It is a warning to the whole world if Indian industrial sector keeps on growing in same pace; it would be a major contributor in global warming and climate change in future.

Traffic pollution makes our kids unsocial by nature

Vehicular emissions make our kids asocial
A recent study revealed that due to the traffic pollution the chances of disorder in a to-be-born baby increased because of its exposure to the vehicular emissions that are already present in the respiratory system of the pregnant mother which she inhaled.
According to the study conducted by a group of scientists of California USA, the harmful effects of the traffic pollution lead the child to autism that is a habit of living isolated with limited activities. It also develops stereo-typed behavior in affected person’s every work be it a job, study or household work.
Study said the children in direct exposure to the high level of the traffic pollution are in three-time risk of suffering from such behavior than those who live in the low-traffic areas. However, the bad ambient air quality does not impair the brain. It only brings on psychological imbalances in kids.

Let’s go green on Christmas

Let's go green on Christmas
Christmas festivities are nearing. Shopping spree is in full swing everywhere. It is good to enjoy, to give gifts to our loved ones, to enlighten hour homes and to chill out. But our pleasure at the cost of someone’s sorrow can never be a right way of living. The core spirit of our every religious ritual is to be happy and let others stay happy too. So on this Christmas let’s make a pledge to go green and remain so forever.
Whatever we do we aim to please a super human being. Some people call it God, some other say it Allah and some other name it Bhagwan. Name is different but the real being is the same. The whole system of this cosmos works under a system that is called Nature. So let’s make our mother nature happy on this day of joys and pleasures.
There are several ways to go green on Christmas. We don’t have to be so much serious while doing so. Nor we have to take a note book to act upon a list of pledges. It’s just a matter of our will. If we really want to enjoy keeping all others including our Mother Nature joyous so there are small tips we can follow them and go green without deferring any of our favorite festive.
We replace most of our household items on Christmas. It is good to renew our home stuff but a little care can make this act go green. Just decide

How to control land pollution?

how to manage solid waste
Land pollution not only affects our health but also mars the aesthetic beauty of our surrounding environment. It is mostly caused by:
If there is no system of collection and disposal of domestic waste
In the absence of a proper hospital waste management system
If industries dump their solid waste including the chemical one at any un-designated place
Land pollution is caused in huge volume and clearly visible lying around our residential areas or crop fields. There are two approaches to control land pollution.

Ideal Approach

Adopt a way of life where you generate minimum amount of waste either it is domestic, industrial or hospital waste. When it would be generated less then obviously less of it would be missed to be disposed of properly. Ultimately there would be less land pollution. However, this is so ideal in this age of consumerism where people consume more and industries produce more to meet their demand. Then obviously it is so difficult to generate solid waste less.

Corruption and pollution

Pollution in corrupt countries
World celebrates anticorruption day today on 9 December to make pledge for the eradication of the corruption from every country. How much their pledges work to nip the evil of graft from our societies? It can be observed through the latest report of the world corruption released by the Transparency International.

Which country is the most corrupt?

According to this report, most of the countries having bitter experiences of bad governance became more corrupt during the previous one year. Somalia, North Korea, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Sudan, Iraq, Haiti and Venezuela are the top 10 corrupt countries of the world. On the flip side New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Singapore, Norway, Netherlands, Australia, Switzerland and Canada are the top 10 corruption-free countries. USA is at 24th corrupt country in total 182 countries of the world, Russia is at 143, Saudi Arabia 57, Turkey 61 and India’s corruption rank is 95.

Poor countries are safe havens for polluters

polluters have no fear in backward countries
Most of the environmental ministers in poor countries don’t know the ABC of environment. Because of their unawareness they support polluters without any hesitation. They are inducted by their political bosses just to please them or to fill that vacant post. Political system in such countries is yet to develop. Most of the political affairs are settled in such countries on personal grounds. After coming into power every political party doles out the portfolios by completely putting aside the rule of merit. Ministries are distributed among their most trusted comrades regardless of their educational background. Interestingly most of the legislatures in poor countries are barely educated.

Environmental ministers are inducted without merit

One of the elected legislators is also inducted as environmental minister of the federal government of a poor country. Similarly provincial ministers for environment are also appointed on the same lines. The newly inducted environment minister initially tries to make his or her ministry a money-making venture by overlooking the act of heinous crime of the polluting by the polluters. But after sometimes it dawn upon him or her (mostly him) that environment is a least cared subject in poor countries.

Aversion to a huge green pledge in Doha talks

Doha talks on climate change
Climate change talks in Doha reached in middle on 2nd December. The main countries responsible for the huge amount of carbon emissions are avoiding to make any straight pledge to reduce the carbon emissions. Doha talks aims to extend the Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997 and implemented in 2005 for the period of 2008 to 2012. It binds 37 industrialized nations to reduce their carbon emission up to 5 per cent till 2020.  
China emits highest amount of the greenhouse gases mainly responsible for the climate change. US stands second in row, India third and Russia fourth. Kyoto Protocol would be no more a legally binding document after 31st December 2012. Hence why there is a need to make another global pledge to save this world from further climate change by binding all the main emitters to further reduce their emissions.