Traffic pollution makes our kids unsocial by nature

Vehicular emissions make our kids asocial
A recent study revealed that due to the traffic pollution the chances of disorder in a to-be-born baby increased because of its exposure to the vehicular emissions that are already present in the respiratory system of the pregnant mother which she inhaled.
According to the study conducted by a group of scientists of California USA, the harmful effects of the traffic pollution lead the child to autism that is a habit of living isolated with limited activities. It also develops stereo-typed behavior in affected person’s every work be it a job, study or household work.
Study said the children in direct exposure to the high level of the traffic pollution are in three-time risk of suffering from such behavior than those who live in the low-traffic areas. However, the bad ambient air quality does not impair the brain. It only brings on psychological imbalances in kids.

Early exposure to the traffic pollution, either in the womb or during the first year of life, more than doubles the child’s chances of having the disorder, scientists found. The psychological disorder in kids due to the higher level of traffic pollution is called autism. It directly affects the communication and social skills of the kids and they like to remain isolated and do not compete in life as ordinary persons. They may also resort to negative activities like drug addiction and violence.
Under this study named as Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment, 245 children affected by the traffic pollution were tested. Out of them nearly 179 found suffering from the psychological disorder that is called autism. The main reason of autism is genetic but the second key reason is environmental factor. The scientists are further researching the exact link between the autism and the level of the traffic pollution.
The traffic pollution increases the level of various gases into the ambient air. Their quantity more than allowable limit is a big threat to the health of the people under its direct exposure. This type of pollution is considered more harmful because it remains under our breathing zone and we suffer the most from this menace. Other pollutions have conditional affects on us. For example if we don’t purify water and consume it we will suffer. If stay away from a polluted beach we would remain safe from it. But we can’t stop breathing in case we are living in the high traffic area or near it.
The traffic pollution comprises of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, lead and soot particles. Their excess quantity directly hits our respiratory system and may cause lung cancer in us. Eye irritation, giddiness, asthma, skin allergy, headache, cough are the common harmful effects of the vehicular emissions.
At the administrative, collective and individual level what can be done to control the traffic pollution.

Administrative level

Governments must introduce stringent laws to control it

No vehicle should be allowed to come on road if it emits various gases more than the permissible limits

There should be an environmental monitoring system of the vehicles while they are on roads

Collective level

Communities cooperate with the administration to control the traffic pollution

They should plant trees to offset its harmful effects because trees exhale oxygen which mitigates intensity of all types of air pollution

Promote and support the system of the public transport over the personal one

Discourage the trend of treating the personal car as status symbol and take it as necessity

Individual level

Always prefer public transport for traveling purpose

Use personal transport in case of any urgent need

Keep the engine and silence of the vehicle in good condition
Get the vehicle tune-up regularly

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