Silence over pollution is itself an offence

The ciminal act of overlooking pollution
If we pollute, we are punished. It may be of fine or imprisonment. Why we are punished? Obviously for our offence we had to pay the price. An offence is any kind of act which is prohibited by the law. In every country there are several types and extent of punishment for the polluters. Mostly such punishments range from fine in monetary terms to jail up to several months. It all depends upon the extent of the act of the polluting.

Polluters are less, polluting is huge

How many people pollute in every country. A few hundred industries, a few thousand vehicle owners and a few more thousand households are involved in polluting the environment in one way or the other. But why pollution is so huge everywhere. Our air is polluted with vehicular and industrial emissions.
Our water is contaminated with industrial effluent and civic waste water. Our land is suffering from the heaps of garbage apart from the hospital and the hazardous waste. It means the quantity of polluters is less but the amount of polluting is so huge. That is why our environment is suffering a lot from it.

Act of polluting goes unnoticed mostly

Secondly because of being a few tens of thousands people involved in the offence of polluting it is not noticed when this crime is committed. We all come to know of its impact. We get to know this menace when we have to breathe the polluted air, drink contaminated water and eat adulterated food. After appearance of the impact of the pollution we shout at it. Why don’t we stop the act of polluting whenever and wherever we see it? We can’t do that because we are not green police nor each one of us is from pollution control agency.

Why do we overlook polluting?

Does this mean if we are not from any pollution control agency there is no responsibility of ours to stop the act of polluting? Should we silently pass the road where a heap of garbage is being burnt? Should we just avoid watching an excessively smoke emitting vehicle? Should we just see a tree being killed by a stooge of the timber mafia? If we don’t have conscience to care our mother nature we have all the rights to do so.

Break the silence over pollution

On the other hand if we have a modicum of pain for the degrading environment we should not remain silence over the act of polluting. Of course we should not stop the polluter forcible nor can we do that. But at least we can forbid that cruel person who is destroying our precious environment. Even if we can’t ask the polluter to stop we can bring it to the notice of our nearby pollution control agency. Ok if we don’t know its contact number we can tell the community about the ongoing act of polluting in our area.

Make complain against polluting

If the act of polluting is recurring we can complain to our local police about it. We can directly phone to a newspaper or television channel office of our city and break the news of polluting to invite them to cover that crime. There are several ways and means to stop the heinous act of polluting. There is simple need of our will to control the pollution. We should all remember that the silence over pollution is itself an offence. When we would be handing over our polluted planet Earth to our generations nobody would be asked who has polluted it. Our kids would just be asking ask us why they were given a polluted planet to suffer from diseases. 

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