Top 3 unnoted effects of air pollution

Air pollution makes us older mentallay
Do you live in an area where air pollution is high? If yes then your mental age is three years more than your real age. Yes really it is. We know older we are the slower is our thinking process. It means a person inhaling polluted air thinks slowly than people of his or her equal age living in the less-polluted air.

Air pollution makes us three years older

It is not my estimates. It is a study recently revealed by University of South California. According to this study, the air pollution makes our mind power weaker.  It further disclosed that older people are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of air pollution than the younger ones. Their weakening body system receives more hit of polluted air which goes through their body to affect their respiratory system more particularly. Our survival depends upon smooth functioning of our respiratory system.
The study also found that diseases related to heart (widely called cardiovascular diseases also generates rapidly in older population living in the areas of polluted air. Air pollution directly affects our immune system as well.

Air pollution hits our IQ

Earlier a study by independent environmentalists was conducted to examine the harmful effects of air pollution on our kids. That also revealed that the element of lead usually found in higher quantity in polluted air owing to vehicular emissions actually lowers down the IQ level of the growing kids. After that it became norm to establish high-cost schools far from the congested areas having pressure of traffic. However, no one bothered to shift the low-cost schools because poor are borne to face the all types of the odds including the lethal air pollution.

Air pollution promotes violence

In third world countries level of air pollution is quite higher. Interestingly no government is serious to contain it. Vehicles are growing there without any plan. After permission of import of used vehicles from the rich countries owning a private car has become necessity in such countries. Moreover, poor public transport system has forced the middle class to keep their personal car for commuting. During previous ten years in most of the backward countries of the Asia the number of personal transport has almost doubled in mega cities.
We don’t waste time to link violence with poverty level in poor countries. We are so hectic to analyze the reasons of the presence of violence in poor countries. Air and noise pollutions are also main causes of violence in such polluted countries. People of such countries are already deprived of the basic necessities of food, shelter and clothes. They are also directly being affected by the air pollution simultaneously. What would be their reaction? Obviously irritation is growing in their attitude. Owing to the desperation in life they are very quick to resort to violence in case of a minor level of a brawl. So air pollution has directly link with the violence.
If we are a member of an advance society we should join the community to further reduce the air pollution. If we are member of a poor society so our role is double. First we have to take initiative in our community to reduce the air pollution. Secondly we have to keep inviting others to join for the cause of reducing the air pollution. Instantly we can adopt following habits to contain the menace of the air pollution.
  • Use transport for long distances, walk for smaller ones
  • Use public transport as much as possible
  • If an industry work in residential area make its complain to local authorities
  • Keep the engine and silencer of our vehicle in good condition
  • Be proactive in community to convince others in reducing air pollution
  • Keep visiting this blog to learn more and more about the harms of all types of pollution

Do you think you also did not notice the above three effects of air pollution? Please let me know any other harmful effect(s) of air pollution if I did not mention here or in my previous articles. 

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