Pollution prevention

how to reduce pollution
It is so easy to talk about pollution prevention but to practice doing something for it, is a painstaking job which needs persistence and perseverance because of your efforts to prevent this menace would take long time to bring results.

It is usually not difficult to control the pollution - which was already created - by removing the garbage from undesignated places, by planting trees to minimize pollution load from air and to treat industrial effluent and civic wastewater before its reuse. However, preventing pollution from the very beginning is a difficult task.

Role of industries

The industry can prevent pollution by installing a treatment plant that treats the effluent before its final disposal. However, its installation costs quite a lot and mostly industries avoid to do so or talk about combined treatment plant for a cluster of industries which most of the time does not work because of non-cooperation by many industries of the cluster. These industries usually refuse to pay fee to utilize the services of a treatment plant and initially, they expect the government to bear the capital cost of the plant and eventually the plan fails at its very early stage. It mostly happens in backward countries while in western world the industrial pollution prevention is exemplary because of the ideal partnership between governments and industries to curb this menace from the very beginning.

Industrial waste disposal

Similarly industries have to dispose of industrial waste - which is usually hazardous in nature - to designated places for their ultimate disposal in landfill sites which are located away from the city. Here again the industries in backward countries try to evade the responsibility of sending their solid wastes to designated places and expect civic agencies to do that job while civic agencies in such countries always complain of lack of resources to do that job. As a result industrial wastes amass in street and roads of industrial area which eventually affect the natural features of land apart from releasing bad smell in surrounding areas and developing bacteria and mosquitoes which impact the health of communities living around these industrial areas. In advanced countries there is hi-fi mechanism to lift the industrial waste at the source - where it is generated - to dispose it of to landfill site. A landfill site is a deep and broad ditch made scientifically to dump solid waste and usually it is set up far from the residential and agricultural land.

Car pollution control

Similarly vehicles owners and drivers can prevent the pollution by maintaining the engine and silencers of their vehicles in good condition apart from keeping the tyres balanced and avoiding use of adulterated fuel which is easily found in poor countries.

What households can do?

Households have an important role which costs so less if they play their role to prevent the pollution. They can manage solid waste system on self help for few streets if they live in backward countries where there is no solid waste system by any civic agency. Similarly they can reuse the usable items to mitigate the garbage load.


In short every individual and organization can play its part to prevent the pollution before its creation. In this way we can be safe from its harmful effects and may live in less polluted environment. 

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