What is pollution control?

how to control pollution
What is pollution control? Is it a lengthy formula to apply it with heavy machinery on long term basis with hi-fi technical expertise? Of course not, it’s contribution of each one of us to play his or her role for the mitigation of environmental degradation at individual and collective levels. In this way our unending efforts could bring on change in the environment of our world.

Are we controlling pollution?

Are we doing our job to minimize pollution? We know very well that pollution is a menace; it is so harmful for life and health of human beings. Millions of people all around the word directly or indirectly get affected by this grey reality and thousands die of this curse annually. Moreover, world economy suffers losses of billions of dollars owing to this all-pervasive menace. Despite this we are not paying heed to this serious issue. Why? Because this harmful phenomenon does not hit us at once, it’s a slow poison which gradually takes the life to the deep trench of death.

Those who pollute must control it

Industries have greater role in pollution control. If they adopt environment-friendly process of manufacturing then it may be mitigated at source that means it can be quashed at its birthplace. Industries are bound to hire a health, safety and environment manager to develop environmental procedures for the entire working of the factory. He or she has to regularly report the environmental compliance by the industry to regulator and environment watchdogs.

Our role as an individual 

As an individual we can do a lot to mitigate pollution or check its spread. Being a vehicle owner or driver we should keep the engine of our vehicle in good condition and get its tune-up regularly. Similarly being housewife a woman can protection the internal environment of her home by maintaining cleanliness in every corner of the house. Spacious exhaust is a good way to keep the internal environment of home free of grey impact. We can properly dispose of the solid waste and put it at a designated place.

All have to act for pollution control

Likewise, hospitals should apply an appropriate technology to dispose of infectious and harmful waste in environmental friendly manner. Moreover, paramedical staff should be trained to learn how to dispose of the hazardous waste without getting harmed by it with never compromising on its proper disposal. Every sector of the economy has equal responsibility to play its role for the mitigation of pollution. Together we can better protect our environment. 


It means pollution control is not a set program of various procedures and methodology. It’s actually outcome of our love for environment and hate for its decay. Now its ups to all of us how do we prove our love for the environment. We must keep in mind that mere lip service will not be sufficient to control the menace of pollution. We have to come forward with our clearly defined roles to keep our enviornment safe and clean. 

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