Environmental pollution

pollution in environment
Environmental pollution not only hits the natural beauty of environment but in one way or the other it also directly affects the life on Earth apart from causing several diseases to human beings and animals. When any element or compound enters into environment unnecessarily and impacts its natural balance then it results into environmental pollution. In this way environment gets retarded to grow further and instead it starts negatively affecting humans and other living beings.

Kinds of pollution

There are several types of environmental pollution out of them related to air, water and land are most important. Under land pollution various elements negatively affect the features and their natural balance of land and get it polluted. It is mainly created due to
mismanagement of solid waste, hospital waste, plastics, agricultural runoff, undue use of fertilizers and pesticides apart from dumping of garbage at undesignated places.
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Water pollution the most dangerious

From health point of view water pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of pollution which directly damages the life if polluted water is used for drinking purpose. When effluent of industries and waste water of houses and offices gets mixed with drinking water then consumption of such water causes diseases like gastro, joints weakness, diarrhea, dysenteries etc while pollution in seas and oceans harm the marine life over there and reduce the amount of sea food apart from affecting the natural environment of salt water.
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Air pollution equally the most lethal

The pollution which may come directly in the range of our breathing zone is air pollution which is caused by emissions from vehicles and factories. It may cause fatal diseases like lung cancer apart from causing eye infection, lowering of IQ, skin infection, allergy, breathing problems etc. Planes, rails and ships emissions in air also adds air pollution however their amount is less as compare to that of vehicles.

Noise pollution affects our hearing ability

Likewise noise pollution affects negatively our hearing ability. Nuclear power plants emit smoke and release various kinds of effluent which if mixed into air and water with their treatment causes nuclear pollution. Similarly undue use of chemical fertilizer contaminates crop yields and causes food pollution while spray of pesticide which is another form of pollution negatively impacts the fertility of land.


Pollution of all kinds has dangerous consequences if not controlled at the very beginning. It is generally said that nip the pollution in the bud which means remove it at the very outset because longer the age of pollution more harmful it would be for life of all types on planet Earth. For this purpose all segments of the society have to stand together against this menace. It is mostly observed that people first see their own interests and after that talk about environmental safety. We have to make people realize that environmental safety is itself their own safety if we adopt a sustainable approach in our actions. 

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