No one knows the nastiest cause of pollution is only one

The causes of pollution are many. Right?

No, it is not correct, boy.

After reading this post you will agree with me.

But first, let's check the common causes of pollution.

Their number is growing day by day. Some of them hit the environment and mar the beauty of nature. Some others misbalance the ecosystem. They deprive us of clean air to breathe, pure water to drink and safe land to live.
cause of pollution

03 main causes of pollution

There are three main causes of pollution.
  1. Effluent
  2. Waste
  3. Emission

More causes

They can be further divided into several as below:

1. Effluents
• Industrial effluent
• Civic wastewater
• Fuel affluent
• Agricultural effluent (Run-off)

2. Wastes
• Civic waste
• Hospital waste
• Industrial waste
• Nuclear waste

3. Emissions
• Vehicular emissions
• Industrial emissions
• Dust emissions

1. Effluents

The effluents are liquids that disturb the chemical composition of water or soil. The industrial effluent flows untreated into the river, sea or any other water body. It pollutes the water in one way or the other.

Houses and offices use water and eventually generate wastewater. We call it civic wastewater. It pollutes the clean water if we release it without treatment. In poor and backward countries polluting the water is common.

If oil leaks from ships and mixes into the seawater it pollutes the marine environment. The spray of pesticide and undue use of chemical fertilizer lessen the fertility of the land. If it flows with agriculture water into the water bodies it also pollutes the water.

2. Waste

Dumping of waste of all types causes land pollution. Wastes of households, businesses, and hospitals hit the features of the land.

Nuclear waste is the most dangerous one. It can harm humans if they come into its direct contact.
Hospital waste is infectious. It can spread viruses to humans closer to it. Hospitals must incinerate this waste before its disposal.


The two pipes are the main sources of air emissions. One is the chimney of the factory and the other one is the silencer of the vehicle.

They cross the limits while emitting poisonous gases. So the government needs to regulate both of them.

In the developing world, the issue of air emissions is critical. Its main cause over there is the use of adulterated fuel. A car with this type of fuel emits more smoke.

The developed world has controlled this menace with their strict green laws. Poor countries have a weak law enforcement mechanism. So their people suffer from it.

More than half of the deaths around the world are because of one type of pollution or the other. The death toll by air pollution is highest of all.

So, the causes of pollution are spreading day by day. Despite massive global and local efforts, its causes are rising. No country could have achieved any breakthrough to contain it. Its main reason is an unrestrained desire for more.

The one and the only prime cause of all forms of pollution

Everyone wants more in less time. Even obtaining more with less working is so common everywhere. So, unchecked use of the machines is natural. More use of machines burns more fuel. It generates more pollution.

It means greed for more is the main cause of pollution. It is the prime cause, the nastiest one.

The above three causes are secondary causes. We can control them if we first control our greed.

What is your take on it? Do you agree with me or you differ. Please share your views in the comments section below.

I am sure you will share this post on social media to let others know the actual cause of pollution which is obviously one.

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