Air Pollution; the whole process of injuring air and then killing us

When several gases exceed their limit in the air, we say it is air pollution.

In air pollution, the quality of the air declines. We inhale the polluted air. So we suffer from various respiratory diseases. Most important of them are lung diseases including lung cancer.

Moderate air pollution is invisible

Unlike water and land pollution, we can't see air pollution at a moderate level. But it does harm air and our health both. When you feel suffocation while breathing, you actually become a victim of polluted air.

Industrial and vehicular emissions are two key sources of air contamination. Besides, the burning of fossil fuel also pollutes the air. It hits our breathing zone.
air pollution

Silencer of vehicles, the biggest source of air pollution

The chimney of industries and silencer of vehicles are adding air pollution enormously. We can't count the emissions. Nor is there any gadget to measure them.

Vehicles contribute more to hit air quality. Vehicles are in millions around the world. That is why their impact is also huge. Their emissions contain more harmful substances than those of the industrial ones.

Chimney of industries another source

It does not mean industrial emissions harm the air quality lesser. They also damage the air environment but they hit not so much. Industries pollute the environment in many ways. They also release contaminating effluents and wastes which affect our land and water.

There are easier ways to keep the industrial emissions within limits. An industry can install a scientifically-developed chimney to restrain its emissions. Its name is stack. It sieves the emissions before releasing them into our air environment.

Traffic mess contaminates air more

A densely populated modern city has a large number of vehicles. If its roads, subways, bridges, and lanes - are not smooth, chances of frequent traffic jams rise. So it causes more vehicular emissions.

Use of adulterated fuel

Adulterated fuel also increases harmful emissions. It contaminates air more. In advance nations the sale of adulterated fuel is rare. But in most of the least developed countries, it is quite common.

This is the main reason that their air environment suffers more. The easiest way to control this menace is to ban the adulterated fuel.

Tips to control air pollution


  • Must install less-air-emitting chimney or stack
  • Must follow a proper environmental management system
  • Must abide by green laws of their country
  • Promote environmentally-safe manufacturing processes
  • Use raw material that puts lesser load on machines
  • Make regular check-up of their production machines

Vehicle owners and drivers:

  • Must maintain the engine of their vehicles properly
  • Must get their vehicles tuned-up regularly
  • Never use adulterated fuel to save a few bucks
  • Keep the silencer of their vehicle in good condition


  • Use public transport if there is no inconvenience in using it
  • Use personal transport only in case of emergency
  • Make complain of a factory if it is located in a residential area
  • Raise awareness on harms of air contamination to control it


  • Introduce easily-enforceable green laws to control air contamination
  • Offer rules explaining in detail every clause of the air contamination control laws
  • Ensure the strict implementation of environmental laws
  • Abide by the international protocols to control air emissions from the world

So this is a small review of air pollution, its causes, and tips to control it. We will share its detailed review in later posts. Please share your view on it to let us improve our coming posts.

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