How to better control air pollution together?

You must learn how to control air pollution. If you don't, then the air around you keeps on getting polluted.

A day may come when you may be using an oxygen cylinder to enjoy the fresh air. It will add to your already high cost.

So it is a must to know the ways and means of air pollution control. You need not be an environmentalist for this purpose.

The major sources of air pollution are vehicles and industries. So to control of air pollution we must regulate the following two pipes:

  • Silencer of vehicle and
  • Chimney of industry.

air pollution control
If they emit gases withing limits, the air will remain clean. So, who will keep their emissions within the limit? It is the job of your government to do this. But without your support, the government can do nothing.

How to control vehicular emissions?

You can't stop using vehicles to control their emissions. Their use is a must to travel long distances. You don't have any alternate to cover long distances.

But it doesn't mean you allow your vehicles to emit the gases beyond their limits. If you do, they will heavily pollute the air. So it is you who can control air pollution.

You need to take the following steps to control the emissions of your vehicles;

· Make regular tuning of the vehicle

· Keep its engine and silencer in good condition

· Get balancing of vehicles regularly

· Maintain air pressure in tubes properly

· Avoid using adulterated fuel

· Never use or apply pressure horn

· Use vehicle when very necessary

· If convenient; use public transport

How to control industrial emissions?

Each industry has environmental control manager. He is called health, safety, and environment (HSE) manager.

His job is to control industrial emissions with a proper environmental management plan.

His task is to control all types of industrial pollution. Be it effluent, waste or emissions, they all must follow environmental standards.

In advanced countries, each industry follows its environmental management plan. But in poor countries, the compliance level is not satisfactory. They lack awareness and have weaker enforcement mechanisms of their green laws.

To control their emissions, industries must:

· Follow a well-designed environment management plan

· Conduct environmental impact assessment of their development projects

· Keep their machinery and tools in good working condition

· Conduct environmental audit if it is a big concern

· Apply tools of self-monitoring and reporting, if in force, to check pollution

· Remain in touch with environmental regulator to get familiar with laws and regulations

· Avoid following short-cuts to cut pollution for the time being.

Role of the government

It doesn't mean the government is a silent spectator in this whole process. It must check industrial and vehicular emissions regularly. If someone violates the green law first convince them to obey it. Otherwise, the government has the power to take legal action against the air polluter.

So this is all about how to control air pollution. All three parties together can better control it. Else, we will be giving a polluted air to our coming generations.

Do you think there is any other way to control air contamination? Do share your views in the comments section below.

I am sure you will share this post on social media to let more and more people know about this important topic.


  1. Off course air pollution is a slow poison for us. We have to take serious steps to prevent air pollution. PALS is an organisation who convey their message to reduce air pollution. They teach the way to prevent our self and environment from air pollution.

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