How to kill pollution hazards with no weapon?

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Do you know pollution hazards are many? We watch them around us. We read about them off and on.

We watch their devastation on TV. But we ignore them. We defer thinking about them for some free time.

pollution hazards
How cruel we are!

How selfish we are!

Pollution hazards are many

Pollution hazards mean all fatal harms of environmental degradation. If waters get polluted it exposes us to any water-borne disease.

If poisonous gases exceed in the air it gets polluted. Air quality declines. We inhale the polluted air. So our lungs are open to any fatal harm of air pollution.

What if the soil gets polluted with agricultural pesticides. We have to eat contaminated food.

Victims of pollution hazards do not die at once. It is one of the widely-taken slow poisons to take the life of human beings and animals.

Every year thousands of deaths occur owing to this menace. These hazards have destroyed the green peace of every nation.

Half of the people are suffering worldwide from a pollution-borne disease.

Its worst hit is our immune system. A weaker immune system is the main cause of several fatal diseases. Our resistance level against these diseases becomes weaker and we fall prey to them.

The real cause of many diseases

Why you don't know why you are suffering from a skin allergy or eye infection? You lack awareness of pollution hazards. You see the unreal reasons for your illness.

Clear reasons are actually secondary reasons. The primary reason in most cases is one form of pollution or the other.

Awareness of pollution hazards

What if people know all the pollution hazards? They spend half of their life in fear of these hazards. They may forget to sleep well. They may remain panicky all the time. They think several times before doing any work. They remain keen to know if their actions are safe or not.

People need not be environmentalists to stay away from the fatal harms of pollution. An ordinary level of awareness is enough to avoid pollution-borne diseases. They can protect themselves from pollution. They can take full care of their surrounding environment to save it from further decay.

So the best and most lethal weapon you have to defeat the fatal harms of pollution is your level of awareness. Keep enhancing it and keep making people around you aware of it.

Diseases caused by pollution hazards

The most fatal diseases because of pollution are:

· Lungs cancer

· Skin cancer

· Deafness

· Digestive disorder

· Bone disorder

· Coronary diseases like angina, blood pressure, and sugar

We suffer from some moderate diseases because of environmental degradation. These are:

· Eyes infection

· General allergy

· Insomnia

· Hypertension

· Memory loss

· Giddiness etc

Pollution-related diseases in Asia and Africa

In Asian countries, diseases are spreading fast due to decay in mother nature. Lack of medical care is not its only reason. Lack of care for the environment is the primary reason. Millions of people in Asia and Africa fall prey to the menace of pollution.

To combat this menace their governments are doing nothing. Its repercussions are affecting the innocent population of these countries.

Pollution hazards in developed countries

Developed nations are lucky to have stringent laws against environmental violations. But the rapid mechanization of life has deprived them of blessings of pure nature.

They rely on machines in their way of living. They now understand that their distancing from nature has made them like machines. They don’t have a powerful immune system as their forefathers had. That is why they are also suffering from environmental hazards.

More harms

There are several other damages of pollution hazards including:

· Damages to marine life owing to the ocean and sea pollution

· Soil fertility loss owing to land degradation

· Excess of poisonous gases in the air because of air contamination

How to defeat pollution hazards?

We can avoid pollution hazards if we do our best to save the environment. We must do this at every level. We should keep doing our share to keep the mother Earth unaltered. For this purpose we must:

· Not generate waste

· Use public transport even if we have personal transport

· Use personal transport in case of emergency

· Never litter garbage

· Keep planting trees

· Reuse and recycle the used items as much as we can

· Never waste natural resources including water

We must remember that with small efforts we can contribute big to save our environment. Otherwise, we have to hand over a more polluted world to our kids.

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