3 devastating types of pollution that work as silent killers

The bad thing does not work alone. It works in a group to attack the good from all sides. 

The same applies well to pollution also. It is of many types to hit the environment from all sides. 

Just like the hazards of pollution, the types of pollution are also many but we can divide them into three broad categories which may further be divided into several sub-categories. 

The three categories of pollution are:
1.       Air pollution
2.       Water pollution
3.       Land pollution

types of pollution
Air pollution covers industrial emissions including power plants’, factories’, coal-fired plants’ as well as vehicular emissions of all types of vehicles. 

These emissions contain several harmful gases more than the prescribed limits and pollute the air by disturbing its natural composition. Air pollution directly affects our respiratory system apart from damaging our eyesight, nervous system and skin.

Water pollution is caused by all liquid and solid waste which is directly released into the various water bodies including streams, lakes, canals, rivers, ponds, seas, and oceans. Untreated wastewater from homes and industries is the root cause of water pollution which directly affects our digestive system, kidneys, and joints.

Land pollution is caused by the dumping of solid and industrial wastes, the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags, undue use of chemical fertilizer and chemicals. Land pollution causes diseases of malaria, typhoid, cholera, etc.

The subcategories of land pollution are dumping of solid waste, un-incinerated infectious hospital waste, non-biodegradable plastic bags, untreated chemical, and nuclear waste and unnecessary use of pesticides. They all collectively damage the land by polluting it in one way or the other.

Under the water pollution categories, sea and ocean pollution is affecting marine life which eventually hits seafood production by crippling one of the highest revenue-generating industries in the world. 

Those countries which have huge seafood productions are worst affected by sea and ocean pollution as it hits their gross domestic products and retards their exports.

Coastal pollution is another subcategory of sea pollution that directly affects the coastal belt and living culture of coastal belts is totally disturbed by this type of pollution. Fishermen folk usually live along with the coastal belts and if this kind of pollution keeps rising then these communities migrate to safer places and quit one of the oldest professions of the world that is fishing. As a result fish population rises to an alarming level which is not good for the ecosystem of rivers and seas.

River pollution contaminates sweet water which is used for drinking purposes. It brings on several water-borne diseases in living beings, especially in human beings. There are certain parameters for the quality of drinking water duly prescribed by the World Health Organization. If certain water deviates from these parameters due to water pollution and people consume it, they fall prey to various water-borne diseases related to the digestive system, bones, kidneys, etc.

Lake pollution is another form of drinking water pollution and water supply to cities and towns is usually made through lakes adjoining to residential areas. The water of rivers and lakes usually flows slower and hence why stores various kinds of pollutants and gets affected by them and goes unfit for human consumption. 

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