Top 5 solutions for garbage pollution

controlling garbage pollution
Garbage pollution is the only pollution problem that disturbs us 24/7 if it is not properly managed on long-term basis. Relying on garbage collection service to mitigate this problem is right approach because we pay through our taxes to civic agencies for this facility. But during the process of solid waste generation at our home we can do several things to keep it within limits and remain happy mentally and physical until the garbage collection service provider comes and takes it away.
Here are the top 5 solutions for garbage pollution we can apply in our everyday life at home and office both.

Generate less

This is one of the easiest solutions for garbage pollution which we can apply without getting techie or without spending a single penny. The good news is that we can save a lot of money by adopting this method. What you have to do for this solution, just use everything fully so much as nothing left unused in it. Confused? Let me explain this.
You use paper for writing. Make it your habit to write not only on both sides of it but also in margins, header and footer to fully use it. After that you discard it into your dustbin.
Similarly, while cutting the vegetables don’t become so much spendthrift to leave the big fag-end. Use it as much as possible to leave a very little leftover to throw it in garbage.
Above two tips are just to make you understand how to generate less garbage. Make it your style while consuming any type of thing.

Reuse creatively

To reuse the used-things is itself an art. You have to apply your mind to do this. You buy milk pack. You get daily one empty milk-pack which you have to put in dustbin for at least 12 hours till the garbage collector comes at your door. This also in case you have two-time garbage collection facility else you have to wait for 24 hours. Just think about its reuse. First of all you can buy the biggest packet of milk-pack to generate less garbage. You just have to keep it in fridge for the use of maximum period of time. So the big-pack you can use for keeping soil of the garden or other rough stuff. If the pack is strong enough you can contact to nearby charity to donate it for onward giving it to needy people or to packing in it any dole out for deserving people. Just apply your mind to make every used-item reusable without any extra money and much effort.

Recycle very creatively

There are several recycling companies in developed regions of the world where you can sell out the recyclable things for cheap prices. All the used things which you cannot discard easily or you think these can never be degraded or recycled. It means entire plastic as well as unbroken and broken glass material is recyclable. But before selling it out you can reuse it at your home. Inside your home every ornamental plant must be in glass bottle from your used items.

Love your forefathers

How was the lifestyle of your forefathers? Weren’t they spending life happier than us? They didn’t have a luxurious life like we have but we listen from our elders that they were much happier and healthier than us. It was so because they had a healthy life style. They never compromised over their health for the sake of convenience. But we are doing this at every step. We want to go to the market for shopping with empty hands. What our elders used to do. They must have a carrying bag with them either they used to go to buy grocery or other items of daily use. But now we carry everything in disposable bags either they are of plastic or paper. In both the cases we are depleting our precious resources for the sake of our convenience. So we must shun this life style and express our love to our forefathers by adopting their lifestyle wherever it is possible and cost no money.

Adopt a simple lifestyle

Don’t think a thing with a branded package would make you a better human being. If you have money this is your right to spend a stylish life with costly brands. But one thing you can do. Don’t insist for entire packaging of the brand that you are buying. Just its logo over the product you bought is enough to let other people how brand-loving you are. If you make your habit to leave the unnecessary packaging of a brand at the shop it makes an impression that consumers now don’t want huge packaging of any brand. In this way companies would wrap their products in minimum packaging wasting fewer resources and creating space for less garbage generation if users of their brand throw the packaging.

So these are the top 5 solutions for garbage pollution one can do at individual level without much effort or spending extra money. Even you can save a lot of money if you make habit to follow these top 5 solutions for garbage pollution. 

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