Top 10 tips to effectively organize a green walk

what is green walk
Green walk is one of the best options to raise environmental awareness. It invites people’s attention towards a green cause and builds public opinion for it. On most of the days of environmental significance this activity is done all across the world. Environmental organizations both from public and private sectors use it as an effective instrument to bring people together to take efforts for environmental improvement. It is a symbolic activity but works successfully to arouse interest of masses for a green issue.
Here are top 10 tips to effectively organize a green walk in your area to make people feel the gravity of an environmental problem.

Selection of track

The track where people have to do green walk must be in the centre of the city but quite free from its hustle and bustle. It should not be so busy road where you want to do this activity because it may hamper the smooth running of the traffic. Secondly there must not be any restriction to conduct such activity on your selected track. Third important point to select the track is its smoothness so that people from all age group can easily walk on it. It should also be spacious so that walk convoy may easily take U-turn to come back on starting point to finish the walk.


If you need to organize a green walk on the day of environmental significance in that case you don’t have any choice to see the weather condition. On a specific day you are bound to organize it. But you can fix the timings for this event according to weather. If it is hot you should organize it in the early morning or in the evening. In most of the hot countries you must take care of this fact.


You need to give it a proper name like “Walk For A Green Cause” or “Eco Walk” to let people know its relevance. Similarly you can tag it with the brand of the sponsoring company that is paying all its expenses.


Its participants should be from all walks of life to avoid making it a simple parade of one group. Secondly people from all age groups and both genders should be invited to make it balanced representation of your society.


To put the element of public interest in your green walk you should invite showbiz and sports celebrities of your area. In this way people will keenly attend this event and those who cannot attend it, will at least read and watch its happening on media. As a result it will get wider public attention.

Gives away

To motivate the participants you should distribute very fine gives away amongst them. It should not be for one-off use but must have long-term utility. T-shirt, keychain, cap, insignia or any other item of same nature is a good choice for this purpose.

Banners & Placards

These items infuse life in a green walk. You must prepare banners to arouse enthusiasm of its participants and all publicity material should reflect your will to resolve an environmental issue. Similarly placards should also be full of variety with lot of green slogans to raise environmental awareness of public.

Lucky draws

People stay for the whole activity if they know there will be any lucky draw after the event. People also want to see how their luck is on that day. So arrange a purposeful lucky draw in your green walk with little prizes of different types to make people stay till the end.

Music must

Without music an awareness walk may become so boring. Music retains the interest level of younger generations who actually make such events so lively. So try to arrange live music for this activity.

Media coverage

In any green walk a few hundred people take part. This is not an ideal number to communicate a green message. So widely publicize your event through electronic, print and social media to convey its message to huge number of people. 

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