Eid Mubarak; here are 5 lovely tips to go green on Eidul Fitr

How to go green on Eidul Fitr
Muslims all over the world have been celebrating Eidul Fitr for the last fifteen hundred years to express their thankfulness to Allah after keeping 30 days fasting in the month of Ramadan. On this occasion they wear new clothes, they cook traditional dishes, offer special prayers, greet each other, pay money as Eidi to younger relatives and do party. According to their financial position they arrange dinner and lunch parties and also go for dining out. This is one of finest religious events in the world when nothing against environment happens like it happens in religious festivals of Holey and Diwali of Hindus and Eidul Adha of Muslims. But despite its being clean we must follow as much go green tips as possible to make it more environment friendly event.
Here are 5 lovely tips to go green on Eidul Fitr to avail it as big chance to be thankful to Allah and careful to Nature.

Go for outing together to cut car pollution

If you need to go out for any picnic or dinning out you can go together in one vehicle or car. On Eidul Fitr there is public holiday in most of the Muslim countries while Muslims living in other countries also do off on that day. Entire family remain together on this day so they must go together to use one vehicle only. In this way they will contribute less in vehicular emissions.

Ecards instead of paper cards to avoid waste

A few years ago sending paper greeting cards on Eidul Fitr to friends and family was very common. But now after growing use of internet most Muslims across the globe send electronic cards (ecards) to each other and share their moments of rejoicing. We should promote this habit and fully switch over from paper cards to ecards. In this way less garbage will produce because ultimately we treat paper Eid cards as waste after the Eid is over.

Recycled greeting cards to reduce garbage pollution

In many parts of the world internet is not much popular and people still spend their life without it. In these countries there is no any concept of ecards. But they can make their greeting cards at their home with recycled paper and sheets. In this way they can not only save their money but also avoid generation of waste if they discard their paper greeting cards after Eid is over.

Food as much as you need

Muslims cook multiple dishes both sweet and main on the occasion of Eidul Fitr. They not only joyfully eat these dishes but also they invite their relatives to enjoy the food. They can cook as much food as they need to avoid any kind of food wastage.

Gift of sapling, a great idea

Though it sounds quite weird but change occurs gradually. So they should tag a sapling with their Eid gifts which they present to their loved ones. Initially it may be taken as strange but they can promote this green habit gradually to make it part of their culture.

So these are the 5 lovely tips to go green on the occasion of Eidul Fitr. I am dead sure most of the Muslims would be following these tips and also I request them don’t take it as a burden and follow these tips if they can. But apart from all this serious debate a very happy Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim readers with the prayers for peace and blessings on them and on whole world. 

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