Hold a debate on environment to resolve a green issue

tips to hold a debate on environment

Debate means thorough examination of two aspects of an issue or mulling over two solutions of a problem to resolve it as best as possible. If it is a green issue then we hold debate on environment to solve a pollution problem. A debate on environment actually aims to:
  • Make a best decision for its implementation without any hurdle
  • To involve all stakeholders in decision making
  • To develop sense of ownership of all to address a green issue
  • To make effective implementation of a green decision
  • To reap its benefits forever

When to hold a debate on environment?

For example there is a growing concern on burning of fossil fuel all over the world. We also know that main reason of burning of fossil fuel is generation of power for domestic and industrial use. But
fossil fuel almost kills the environment and turns it into polluted one. The alternative of conventional power generation is solar and wind power generation. That does not require burning of fossil fuel. But its production cost is quite higher than that of former one. Initially its cost remains so high because its generation in less amount that increase the per-unit cost eventually.

Let them say

There is need to hold debate to resolve the issue of either continuing conventional power generation or resort to the clean energy production. Here consumers have to pay the higher price that is why such debate on environment should be held at the grassroots level to resolve this green issue. But at lower level this exercise is not done and decisions are usually made at the higher level without taking into confidence the general public. Green demagogues defend their isolated decision-making by saying that they involve the representative of public who are legislator. But the reality is that there are so many issues where direct involvement of public is must to reach a logical decision. That is why the exercise of referendum is practiced to resolve the issues of grave nature.

Who should be involved?

To hold a debate on environment to resolve a green issue or to bring innovation in solution of a pollution problem it is necessary to conduct it at massive level. For this purpose a blanket project should be designed to involve following stakeholders in its implementation.
  • Pollution control agencies
  • Green NGOs
  • Green media including green bloggers
  • Community forums
  • Business organizations

Level of involvement

Which of the above institutions should be thoroughly involved while conducting a debate on environment, it depends upon the nature of the green issue. If it is regarding drafting a new green law to control pollution from coal-fired power plants then business organizations especially from power industry must be involved in it. Their representatives should be invited to express their views in favor and against of new legislation to make it a perfect one. Similarly if there is an environmental issue at the grassroots level like making the anti-smoking law stricter then obviously media organizations and community forums should be taken on board to decide to what extent this law should be made stricter for its successful enforcement.
In short a debate on environment actually opens new ways and means to resolve a green issue with more success. After that there is no room left for ifs and buts to implement a green decision. Secondly no party remains aggrieved if such exercise is conducted before taking any decision.

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