Is hospital waste not a pollution problem?

what is infectious waste
Do you believe this? Hospital waste is not considered a pollution problem in most of the backward countries of Asia and Africa. In most of such countries hospital waste is treated and handled as ordinary solid waste. Even no precautionary measures are adopted while handling it. Consequently the workers that are assigned to do this task remain directly exposed to its harmful effects.
Hospital waste is generated in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, maternity homes and other medical care units through its all types of medical and medical care activities including treatment, surgeries, pathological testing, patients waste, bleeding and excretion. It comprises of two types of waste one is infectious waste while the other is common solid waste.

Infectious waste

Infectious waste is the most harmful type of solid waste which directly affects the health of human beings. Most of such waste is infectious by nature and spread the diseases to those who come directly under its contact. It is not only physical contact but its harmful germs and bacteria may also be transmitted to people who are near its stock. This type of waste comprises of;

Is US nuclear waste leakage no big risk?

nuclear waste pollution by America
The recent incident of nuclear waste leakage in US has been declared no immediate risk to human health because of its tiny quantity and also owing to its occurrence far away from the Columbia River and city of Washington.

Is it no problem for environment?

However, the statement issued by state and federal officials is being seen as big joke that is equal to making fun of the requirement of safe environment and ecology. According to experts, the recent leakage of nuclear waste from the six underground tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation must be mixing into the soil. Therefore, it is very right to ask:
  • Is it not adding arsenic contamination in underground water
  • Is it not hurting the natural characteristics of the soil
  • Is it not likely to increase if it keeps on happening

But the Governor of Washington DC Jay Inslee very smartly addressed the concerns of the Washingtonians by putting aside any immediate threat to the life of people of the nearby areas because leakage is occurring about 8 kilometers away from the Columbia River. However, she also expressed concerns about the aging 140 single-shell storage tanks that are obvious to leak because of their almost end of service life.

How pollution control system collapses in poor countries

why pollution control system fails in backward countries
Why pollution of all types is rising in poor countries. There are less industries and vehicles in poor countries as compare to advance ones. But despite of this, pollution level is rising instead of at least being standing still if it does not decline. Its reason is only one. They pollute more and make no efforts to control the environmental degradation. Their pollution control system collapses soon after it is established. Let me clarify this point.

Merit is put aside

Every poor country following the suit of advanced nations first makes legislation for pollution control. Consequently it establishes pollution control agency with its branches in every district or estate to keep firm grip over all types of development activities that may pollute the environment. But while establishing the pollution control agency bad governance creeps into its mechanism because bad governance is very common in every institution of poor countries. As a result merit is entirely overlooked while hiring the staff. Non-qualified staff fails to efficiently perform and give any results for pollution control.

Corruption in environmental protection

In most of the poor countries inefficient staff doesn’t shy to do corruption which is also a common practice in poor countries. Despite flagrant violation of environmental laws no actionis taken against the violators. Polluters remain free to pollute the environment because they offer bribe to the staffers of pollution control agency. Secondly most of the polluters have high level of contacts with powerful people who fully support them to continue their polluting activities.

Once created, plastic pollution can never be removed

plastic waste
This is the main point of difference between plastic pollution and other types of pollution. You cannot remove or even mitigate it once you generate it intentionally or unintentionally. Yes plastic material cannot be decomposed even in centuries. It is non-degradable and will remain in its ugliest shape while hitting our environment.

Why plastic bags

Convenience is the main reason of rising usage of plastic. We want to carry usable items to the maximum possible convenience. Secondly after huge surge in consumerism we want to shop all our needs in one-go and for that we want to carry as much items as possible in our two hands. For this purpose plastic bags and baskets serve our purpose excellently. That is why we use plastic bags without thinking of their harmful effects on environment and create plastic pollution.

Plastic is non-degradable

You would be surprised to know that if we throw away a plastic bottle it cannot be decomposed by itself even in thousands of years. If we burn it then its smoke will create air pollution and directly affect our lungs with its poisonous gases. If we throw it into a water bodies it will release liquid into the water creating water pollution to affect marine life and human beings if it is drinking water. Similarly if we through a plastic bag it will litter around because of its light weight and can choke the drainage system and will cause garbage pollution. If power supply is in open wirings it can also stick into them to create the danger of electric short circuit.

Go Green on Valentine Day

how to go green on valentine day
This is your fundamental right to do whatever you like but you must not harm anyone with your activity or work. You can even dance on the road if you don’t disturb the people moving or driving on the road. That is why there are some ethics while moving outside your home. Similarly you can enjoy your life and celebrate the days of international significance the way you like. But here again you must not harm anyone. Do you know what this “anyone” means? It means every living being including human beings, animals, plants and our entire nature.

So what is your plan on Valentine Day?

So you must have lot of plans to celebrate the Valentine Day on 14th February. That is very great if you think you should do that go for it but don’t forget others while enjoying this day. You don’t have to do any huge work for this purpose. With a few small tips you can go green on upcoming Valentine Day. Here are these not-so-huge tips: