Once created, plastic pollution can never be removed

plastic waste
This is the main point of difference between plastic pollution and other types of pollution. You cannot remove or even mitigate it once you generate it intentionally or unintentionally. Yes plastic material cannot be decomposed even in centuries. It is non-degradable and will remain in its ugliest shape while hitting our environment.

Why plastic bags

Convenience is the main reason of rising usage of plastic. We want to carry usable items to the maximum possible convenience. Secondly after huge surge in consumerism we want to shop all our needs in one-go and for that we want to carry as much items as possible in our two hands. For this purpose plastic bags and baskets serve our purpose excellently. That is why we use plastic bags without thinking of their harmful effects on environment and create plastic pollution.

Plastic is non-degradable

You would be surprised to know that if we throw away a plastic bottle it cannot be decomposed by itself even in thousands of years. If we burn it then its smoke will create air pollution and directly affect our lungs with its poisonous gases. If we throw it into a water bodies it will release liquid into the water creating water pollution to affect marine life and human beings if it is drinking water. Similarly if we through a plastic bag it will litter around because of its light weight and can choke the drainage system and will cause garbage pollution. If power supply is in open wirings it can also stick into them to create the danger of electric short circuit.

Minimum service life

All items of plastic material turn into plastic pollution after end of their service life. Most of them have lowest minimum service life. We buy a soft drink, consume it in minutes and throw its plastic bottle. It takes maximum ten to fifteen minutes. Similarly we shop grocery, come back home, store the grocery and throw away the plastic shopping bag. Its service life ends here. It means minimum service life of plastic is the main cause of rising level of plastic pollution. We make our kids buy plastic toys; they play with them for some days, then get bore with them and ask us to buy them more.
So the two most dangerous factors attached to plastic pollution are;
  • Plastic is non-degradable material
  • Service life of most of the plastic items is the lowest minimum

Rising trend of plastic usage

Half century ago the ratio of plastic material in solid waste generated in US was 2 per cent. Now it has reached the 12 per cent and it is on the rise consistently. Secondly the price of any plastic material is equal to the cost of its disposal in environmental friendly manner. For example if we buy a bottle of plastic at half dollar and discard it after usage then again it will take half dollar to make it reusable through recycling process. It means you produce a new plastic bottle or recycle the older one cost is the same. Moreover, its reuse will again promote the culture of using plastic material for the convenience. It will create its more demand and ultimately more plastic pollution will be generated.

Solution for plastic pollution

Avoidance of the usage of plastic material is the only solution of plastic pollution. We at least use items of alternative material as much as we can to play our role in the mitigation of this eternal type of pollution. Yes we have to compromise a little over convenience because what is the use of such comfort which we get at the cost of our environment. If our environment gets polluted we would be the worst victim of various diseases. So should we use plastic material as sick person or resort to any alternative as healthy person. Choice is yours. 

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