Political interests resist air pollution control steps in China

China to face resistance on air pollution control
The government of China has to face strong resistance of its public sector enterprises if it takes air pollution control measures. According to the latest reports, owing to the abnormal rise of smog pollution due to the recent wave of fog in the country the Chinese government mulled stricter legislation to control the atmospheric pollution. However, bosses of the several public sector enterprises started putting pressure on their government not to take such steps.

Bosses of giants are main hurdle

Most of them wrongly defend their role in environmental degradation and submit reports as if they are the champions of the environment. China has no private sector and political bosses have to rely on these public sectors giants to further their economic development. Secondly government has to depend on these enterprises for all industrial and consumer needs of the country. Besides, their production is also a source of foreign exchange because their surplus goods and services are exported to other countries. Chinese products despite having some low quality are in huge demand because of their cheap prices.

Politics depends on economy

Secondly political leadership of the country gets support from industrial sector to further its political agenda. After the dismemberment of the USSR, China is the main communist country that has not only retained its previous image but also emerged as the second largest economy of the world after US. However, to retain its economic development it has to make a huge compromise over environmental degradation. It remained least bothered over the rising level of air pollution during the previous decade. Its growing energy needs made it to rely on fossil fuel burning for running its power plants.

7 most polluted cities are in China

It is a candid reality that out of the ten most polluted cities of the world, seven are in China. It means nearly seventy percent top polluted cities are in this country. In recent cold weather the amount of the particulate matter –dust particle or soot – is 70 times more than the allowable limits in most of the big cities of China. Thousands of coal-fired powered plants are the main source of air pollution in China. Most surprisingly recently Beijing city government has planned to announce halt in outdoor sports activities if the soot pollution crosses the level further. However, it could not have happened because of a little relief in wave of cold.

China is a politically responsible country

China is known as a politically responsible and peaceful country all across the world. Its robust economic growth has rejected the worldwide opinion which says economies can grow permanently under capitalism or free markets only. However, Chinese communist leaders rejected this notion and managed its economy as number two in the world under the economic system of communism. Secondly it also proved that progress can be made in any system of the governance. In China there is one party rule that is like a dictatorship where as entire world trumpets the benefits of democracy for the progress and development.

Kids in China to suffer

However, in air pollution control the government of China has failed to take any concrete steps. If it does so it has to make a little compromise over its economic development. It has to switch its most of the power production operations from coal to natural gas. It would cost more to it and ultimately its cost of production would rise. Ultimately its products and services would lose their price edge in global markets. It is not ready to lose its share in world markets. Instead of this China is compromising over the rising level of pollution but its coming generation would have to pay its price.  

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