Obama from change to climate change

Obama makes promise for climate change
Obama is really smart. He knows what to say where and how. He did that in 2008 and repeated his feat in 2013. Both occasions were glorious for him. Taking oath for his first tenure as US President he vowed to bring the change. Now for his second term he expanded his promise from single word of “change” to two words of “climate change”. But performance wise he himself did not change. It means he is really a man of his own words. I am afraid after the end of his second tenure we might be repeating the famous proverb with a little alteration as “he came, he ruled and went away”.
His performance in first tenure as President was fifty-fifty. This I am not saying on the basis of reports made by the smart guys of his team or by his critics. This is revealed by a public opinion poll that was conducted by the New York Times and the CBS News. Nearly 51 per cent Americans termed his performance satisfactory. It is a simple majority but cannot be called a smart majority. It means he was not smart enough performing in first four years while staying in the highest office. Why did people elect him for the second time? He was the best of the worst that is why. American people didn’t have better option than him. At least he was tested once where he did not fully disappoint the public.

Now in his second term he again repeated his mantra for the climate change. His ruling style actually changed and he moved from the slogan of change to climate change. It means here in his rhetoric he made 100 per cent progress. He adopted two-word slogan from the single one of his last tenure. His election campaign also revolved around this term, which is hardly understood with its clear repercussions by majority of the people. Climate change is not simply green energy. It is a vast subject and needs to be fully apprehended by at least those who have to address this issue.
The overall response to his speech after taking oath this time is ambient. Nobody is pretty much hopeful of any big step for the climate change. He is already facing public demand for more regulation over the power plants. He is also in dilemma to opt clearly for energy or environment because of the pending legislation over hydraulic fracturing that is a gas exploration technique but do a lot of damage to underground environment. Similarly giants of the conventional energy sector are eying on him for some relief to produce more and meet the energy demand with the black option.
So it remains to be seen how Obama tackle the situation this time. Would people again terming his performance for climate change fifty-fifty after his second term? If it is so, it means a great nation like Americans have to compromise over a mediocre performer who performance wise could not have impressed the public. It means things are not going to be good in future. Best of luck President Obama  

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