Garbage pollution

Garbage Pollution
what is littering
Garbage pollution means littering civic waste particularly household waste into places not designated to dispose it off. It is mainly caused by mismanagement of solid waste when garbage is not lifted from streets and areas to carry it to landfill sites for its final disposal. It all happens owing to poor system of either garbage collection or its disposal.

Causes of garbage pollution

Garbage pollution increases in cities and towns where there is no proper system of garbage collection. Households have to simply collect the entire garbage of their houses and place it to outside home in bin or bag. Its collection is the task of civic agency of the area. If garbage collection agency or contractor does not play its role properly and does not collect the garbage regularly then the problem of garbage pollution would obviously arise.
Improper disposal mechanism is another cause of garbage pollution. If garbage collection agency simply collects the entire garbage of its area of responsibility but does not dispose it off in proper landfill site then it would litter around here and there and most of it would pile up in streets and other areas. It would eventually cause several diseases due to mushrooming growth of harmful bacteria in it.

Thermal pollution

Thermal pollution
pollution by power plants
When water quality is degraded due to change in ambient water temperature it is called thermal pollution which affects the overall water quality and such water termed misfit for consumption especially for drinking purpose.

Cause of thermal pollution

The main cause of thermal pollution is usage of water as cooling agent by power plants and industrial manufacturers. After usage as cooling agent water returns in water bodies with higher temperature and affects the overall quality of entire water which eventually mars the composition of ecosystem. Agriculture runoff and storm water discharged into surface waters from residential and agricultural areas also adds water temperature.

Effects of thermal pollution

In case of any change in regular water temperature all water species are badly affected and in some cases are killed due to sudden changes in temperature; it is called thermal shock. It usually happens due to scheduled shutdowns or repair and maintenance of power plants owing to that warmer water which releases from them stop for a slight span of time.

Cost of Pollution

pollution cost
Pollution costs heavily in terms of deaths, environmental damages, financial losses, moral decay and social degradation. If we put this entire cost in quantified term it could be trillions of dollars per year all around the world but here we won’t do that because guesstimates can’t reflect the real cost of pollution. However, a rough estimate can help one to review one’s life style to at least correct oneself where environment is being hit by one intentionally or intentionally.
Cost of life or deaths
Pollution is silent killer; it’s not a bullet but a slow poison which takes the life gradually and especially of that careless lot which does not pay heeds to its harmful effects and does not take any kind of precautionary measures. Once a little kid forbade an unaware person throwing a wrapper into the sea; that person could not stop his laughter and shrugged off the advice of little kids. He could have thought it a trivial matter to throw a small wrapper into the sea and was not aware of collective damage if thousands of such acts are done daily on various coasts of the world. This is the main reason that we take our individual carelessness about environmental care in isolation and don’t bother to imagine its collective impact on the environment. It means wherever a death is occurred due to pollution all the polluters of the world are responsible for it. It ups to us whether we are able to recall our any act of polluting the environment if we did so it means we also contributed in total deaths in the world occurred due to menace of pollution. In this way every polluter is killer in this world. Who amongst us are polluters, we should ask this question to our conscience.
Environmental damages
Environmental damage is another cost of pollution. In most part of the world mankind has no clean air to breathe, no pure water to drink and no uncontaminated food to eat. Alas! All these boons were created for the mankind but we ourselves have destroyed them and now yearning for their pure quality. It means we are not only hitting the environment but also doing so our own wellbeing. Pollution has damaged air quality, land features and water purity. Now human being itself is mulling over how to rectify its errors of past and mistakes of present by its own race.

Financial losses
Unfortunate and hapless are those industrialists who owing to their short sightedness are avoiding environmental compliance and violating the green laws just to save their manufacturing cost. They poor beings do not know in the long run they are hiking their manufacturing cost because when they would be continuing polluting the environment they would get every input with low quality and higher prices because of environmental damages which would affect the production of every material. So it is not matter of concern how much pollution is costing us financially now but the main concern is how much it would cost us in near future.
Moral decay
Pollution directly affects of our morals. We can see what is happening all around the world morally. There is dog-eats-dog competition in every sphere of life and everyone is trying to beat the other in every materialistic pursuit and no one is paying heed on ethical values and moral standards. What apparently one has is the sole criteria to assess the level of humanity in one and hence why peace of all types is nowhere in the world. This is the heaviest cost of pollution.

Land Pollution

about pollution on land
Land pollution is not only enemy of land but also of entire habitat of land be it human being, animal or plant. Whatever process, activity, violation, offence or something like that directly or indirectly pollute the land either its surface, its underground, mountains, valleys, cities, towns, villages, roads, bridges, highways, subways, railways etc is called land pollution.
The causes of land pollution are many but we here enumerate most important of them:
·         Solid waste mismanagement
·         Hospital waste mismanagement
·         Chemical waste dumping
·         Industrial waste dumping
·         Wanton use of chemical fertilizer
·         Undue use of pesticide
·         Water logging and salinity
·         Use of plastic bags for carrying small items
Solid waste mismanagement is common in countries where civic system is weak or obsolete. In most of the underdeveloped countries the entire civic system is working on parameters of older times when there was not load of civic waste or garbage and life was not so advanced to make people use everything in package and

Noise pollution

sound pollution
Noise pollution is created due to sounds above the tolerable limits. Usually it happens when pressure horns are installed and used in vehicles, vehicles and trains are not properly maintained and emit huge noise, machineries of factories exceeds allowable noise limits while operating and undue domestic noise due to high volumes of entertainment based electronic appliances like television, music player etc. In densely populated areas there are more chances of this menace while the areas where population is sparse people can enjoy relatively a silent and peaceful life style.

Noise level

Noise pollution is made when guidelines to emit noise are violated. World Health Organization has set the limit of tolerable noise up to 85 decibel which means either it is a factory or vehicle or house or office it is allowed to emit noise up to 85 decibel (a unit of measuring noise) because up to that level it is not irksome for the people while hearing system and nerves of human beings can also sustain that level without any problem.

Harms of noise pollution

Noise pollution easily hits the hearing ability and if a person lives in a noisy environment for several years his or her hearing ability may reduce up to 50 per cent. Moreover, high level of noise also affects the nervous system of people and hence why most of the people living in densely populated areas get hyper due to slight