Thermal pollution

Thermal pollution
pollution by power plants
When water quality is degraded due to change in ambient water temperature it is called thermal pollution which affects the overall water quality and such water termed misfit for consumption especially for drinking purpose.

Cause of thermal pollution

The main cause of thermal pollution is usage of water as cooling agent by power plants and industrial manufacturers. After usage as cooling agent water returns in water bodies with higher temperature and affects the overall quality of entire water which eventually mars the composition of ecosystem. Agriculture runoff and storm water discharged into surface waters from residential and agricultural areas also adds water temperature.

Effects of thermal pollution

In case of any change in regular water temperature all water species are badly affected and in some cases are killed due to sudden changes in temperature; it is called thermal shock. It usually happens due to scheduled shutdowns or repair and maintenance of power plants owing to that warmer water which releases from them stop for a slight span of time.
The level of dissolved oxygen in water is typically decreased by elevated temperature and ultimately it can put negative impact on aquatic life. Thermal pollution also stimulates digestive system of aquatic animals and more food is consumed in shorter period of time causing food shortage apart from slowing the fish breeding because small fish are eaten away by large fish in larger quantity in lesser time.
Hence another harmful effect of thermal pollution is loss of biodiversity because fish and other water species can not adjust themselves in erratic water temperature and die before time. Moreover, owing to thermal discharge at main channels and distributaries these species can find escape to avoid sudden change in water temperature and have to see end of their life in water polluted by thermal releases.

Thermal pollution control

Theoretically speaking an engine when works at 100 per cent capacity it releases heat at its full level and it is cooled by water which eventually returns into water bodies causing thermal pollution. So we can’t suggest operation of an engine lower than its full capacity but through maximizing efficiency of heat engine thermal pollution can be reduced slighter and this is its only solution.
Moreover for the effective control of thermal pollution, while producing power mechanical friction in rotating parts should be reduced, energy should be consumed to minimum of need level and use of civil nuclear energy should be promoted as it releases less carbon dioxide. 

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