Car pollution hits both; passersby and those in the car

vehicle pollution
Car pollution means all types of gaseous emissions of vehicles.

We can’t blame only cars for this type of emissions. Buses, trucks, taxis, rickshaws, motorcycles, wagons, etc all contribute to it.

The emissions of planes, helicopters, jets, ships, and motorboats also pollute the air. But their amount is not as much as that of road transport. so we focus them less while debating this issue.

Car emissions beyond limits

It does not mean every vehicle adds contamination in the air. Only such vehicles pollute the air which emits harmful gases more than their limits. Green regulators set their limits to emit smoke. Their excess impacts both air and humans.

Vehicles consume fuel which is burnt to create energy and drive the vehicle. Burning of fossil fuel emits smoke.

So, vehicular emission is obvious but should not cross the limits. If it does so it causes car pollution.

Emissions within limits are acceptable. Wind disperses them to dilute its effects. Trees also improve air quality and clean the polluted air. So tree plantation should be continuing in all seasons. It's an ultimate remedy to control car pollution.

Every type of construction should have a proper plan. Roads, highways, subways, bridges should be as wide as possible. It helps the smooth driving of vehicles. Otherwise narrow roads increase congestion. So traffic jams occur causing more car pollution.

Comfortable and cheap public transport discourages the use of a car for individual needs. In advanced countries the public transport system is enviable. But in less developed countries it is quite messy.

So, less developed cities - like Mumbai, Karachi, Hanoi, Tehran, etc - are facing more load of vehicles on their roads. So such cities suffer more pains from the menace of vehicular pollution.

Developed cities like Beijing, Tokyo, New York, London, Paris are enjoying the natural environment. Because they have a very comfortable public transport system both on roads and railways.

Vehicles for public transport serves the traveling needs of commuters in bulk. So lesser emissions from them are pretty obvious.

The use of adulterated fuel is also common in backward as well as least developed countries. Consumption of adulterated fuel also emits more smoke. So it adds to the bad quality of air.

Laws are intact to control adulteration. But their implementation is not weak because of bad governance in such countries.

One-third of this type of pollution in poor countries is because of adulterated fuel. So they must ban the use of adulterated fuel to control car pollution.

Vehicle owners and drivers need to play a key role to control this menace. They should use their vehicle in case of urgency. Else they should commute on public transport.

Also, they need to well maintain their vehicles. A vehicle in condition emits lesser smoke. The silencer of their vehicles should also be maintained well. Else it emits more smoke.

Control of car pollution lies in joint efforts. Government, public and car makers play their role to keep it under control. Otherwise, our air environment would be degrading more. So we will be handing over a more polluted air environment to our kids.

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