Smog pollution; we can better control it together to save our kids

about smog pollution
Smoke and fog create together smog pollution. So we call it smog which means smoke+fog. Right?

It rises in the winter season when fog also rises. In areas near to industrial zones, we see its higher level. Also in cities with a large number of vehicles, it is quite common in winter.

It occurs when vehicles and factories don't comply with environmental standards.

Burning of coal as fuel in factories and homes is also one of the main causes. Soot particles from coal-burning stay longer in fog. So it becomes smog pollution.

It hits the visibility. In the morning visibility becomes zero. So every movement becomes so dangerous. Every type of transport gets interrupted in smog pollution.

Fog versus mist

In intense winter water droplets remain suspended in the air and create fog. So, visibility remains less than 1000 meters. If it is greater than this we say it is mist. In both the situation if smoke is also heavy around us we suffer from smog pollution.

Top smog-polluting countries

With the beginning of coal-fired power plants, smoke emissions rose in many countries. So in winter, they suffer more from smog pollution.

In megacities of such countries, it plays havoc in cold weather. India, China, and Pakistan are a few examples. In New Delhi, Beijing and Lahore people are its worst victims. In many areas, schools announce holidays to save their kids from their hazards.

Who coined the word smog

Dr. Henry Antoine Dex Voeux first used this word in 1905. A British newspaper quoted him saying that in winter big cities face smoky fog. So it becomes smog and now everyone uses this word.

Harms of smog pollution

In today’s world smog pollution is a serious environmental issue. Its harmful impacts on human health are many.

It contains gases like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon dioxide. These gases affect the respiratory system of senior citizens and children. People suffering from heart and lung diseases are also its big hit.

Smog knows no borders

It is not wrong to say that smog knows no border. In every polluted air, it is quite obvious in the winter season. In hot areas' small span of winter, it hits life more because of its all-side circulation.

In less developed areas its level is higher. Because people over there don't have any choice other than coal-based power. China is its glaring example where coal-fired plants serve 90 percent power needs.

Developed areas have long ago realized the brutalities of this menace. So they switched to renewable energy to a great extent. Hence why they don't face a higher level of smog pollution.

Solution for smog pollution lies in going green

Switching over to green energy is the best solution for this menace. But saying is easier than doing so it can't happen in one go.

First of all, we need to make people aware of the harms of coal-burning of all types. We need to tell people the reason why life gets jammed in winter in polluted cities. So they will accept its solution that is;

  • Cut in conventional energy consumption
  • Promotion of green energy of all types
  • Controlling air pollution of all types

It can't happen at once. Gradual change is the best solution for this problem. Government and communities both have to fight this menace together. Because together we can better control the pollution of all types. 

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