Supply-side policies to control industrial pollution

Recently a few private banks jointly organized a training session in Karachi for their sales s on how to market green financing products. It is a good initiative and can work if effectively managed through a robust marketing strategy. To stimulate the demand for green financing products the main challenge is to convince businesses their higher profit without covering the social cost i.e. environmental pollution - can never be ethically their due share. If it is they are convinced, one can hope to create a market for this newly introduced financing product.

Industrial pollution – the main sources of environmental pollution by businesses – pollutes the water with its effluent and contaminates the air with its emissions. Like every country, Pakistan does have legal tools to control it but despite their enforcement, it can’t be controlled beyond a negligible level. Why? Its answer is lengthy and every saner person does know it. Enumerating the reasons here is not the subject matter of this article. Here the main purpose is to discuss how to influence businesses to control the menace of pollution at its source.

industrial pollution control

There are three sides where industrial pollution can be controlled. The first one is the regulatory side by enforcing the environmental laws in their true spirit. For a developing country like Pakistan hoping to fully exploit this legal tool can be anything but a viable approach. The built-