Basics Of Auto Recycling And Pollution Load

You can’t throw your fully used or out-of-order car like garbage. It is not only environmentally bad but also it is not allowed anywhere in the world to dump your used car anywhere you want. 

Even if you want to throw it as scrap you have to send it to any designated place where it is allowed to throw it. 

You rarely use a car to the full limit of its service life. The day your car creates any problem for you off and on you decide to either sell it to one who wants to buy a used car or you want to sell it to an auto recycling company. 

Auto Recycling

Basics of auto recycling

People assume that auto recycling companies recycle the entire out-of-order cars to make them new. They don’t know the basics of auto recycling. No recycling

Do We Have Public Awareness? Who Cares!

The good news is that the level of public awareness is gradually rising spontaneously all over the world, including Pakistan. And the bad news is that institutional efforts are not able to boost it significantly, because no work is being done on a sustainable basis for its improvement institutionally anywhere in the world.  In countries where human rights abuses, environmental violations, gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and similar serious evils are rampant, there is a pressing need for public awareness. However, because of its incorrect perception all over the world, the public is not being made aware effectively of such sensitive issues.

Public awareness

The dismally lower level of public awareness around the world was witnessed at the time of the outbreak of the dangerous global epidemic Covid 19. Half of the population initially pooh-poohed it, while the other half though acknowledged it but did not take it seriously until it saw the catastrophe with its own eyes.  It suggests that the institutional efforts to raise awareness on Covid 19 did not achieve the desired public acceptance.