Has Karachi really become the most polluted city?

How accurate is it that various online applications for air quality analysis have repeatedly declared Karachi's ambient air the most polluted in the world over the past several days?  Strangely enough, there is currently no centralized system in the world that can automatically analyze the atmosphere of all the world's cities. Nor is there an agency whose representatives are simultaneously monitoring the air quality of all major cities around the world.  

Free Air Index Apps

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Karachi the most polluted

their smartphone and sees a dangerous rating of their city as a polluted city. The outcome is their higher level of anxiety, blood pressure and sugar.  

Partiality of Data

The overall air quality data on the Internet is also unreliable because in most of them there is only one parameter of air quality analysis as compare to its total five to six main parameters.  These are PM2.5, PM10, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and ozone gas, the amount of which is called air pollution when it exceeds a certain limit.