Top 20 psychological effects of pollution that appear gradually

how pollution affects our mental health
The common affects of pollution are many like environmental degradation, extinction of species, shrinkage of biodiversity, depletion of resources, weakening of ecosystem, rising global warming, steep climate change, decline in agriculture production, scarcity of water and several fatal diseases to human beings and animal. These are impacts that are often referred by environmentalists and you can read them anywhere on internet.
But there are several shocking effects of pollution that are actually its end results and we don’t trace its actual cause and simply try to remove their apparent causes. A few decades ago the custom of saying sorry or pardon to someone if you don’t properly listen to him was very rare. But now every one of us while speaking to someone very casually say pardon or sorry to get him repeat the sentence because we cannot properly listen in first utterance. So this is the ultimate effect of noise pollution that is gradually affecting our hearing ability.
So here are the top 20 psychological effects of pollution of all types that appear gradually.

1. Short temperament

On a slighter problem we burst up and shout on others. We face several types of pollution during our whole day more particularly noise and air pollution that almost crack our nerves. As a result we expect everything good from others. After tolerating the huge noise and inhaling polluted air we want to compensate it by watching everything as we want to see it. But in real life it does not happen. Many things happen against our wishes and we get hyper and shout in hysteria to get it as we want.

2. Impatience

The rising level of environmental degradation in all forms has weakened our nerves. Now we don’t have as much stamina to wait for something and need quick results, prompt reply and rapid action. We know that it takes time to get the things happen but because of the weakness of our nerves we don’t have strength to wait and we make noise for everything to happen quickly.

3. Being irritated quickly

This also relates to our feeble nervous system made by polluted and noisy air apart from polluted water and contaminated food. Most of our body functioning is not perfect because of the impact of pollution and as a result we get irritated on a slighter failure, minor problem or a tiny hurdle and take it with undue seriousness. We are actually tired of various other social and economic issues apart from our weaker health and we don’t be cool on any adverse situation.

4. Asocial

There is a recently conducted study which revealed that persistent air pollution causes psychological disease autism in people more particular in children because their resistance system is not much strong. Autism means aloofness from the society and people become asocial by nature and do not remain active member of the society.

5. Boring

A person persistently affected by various types of pollution can never be lively and vivacious. His approach in life is to do whatever is necessary and leave the rest if nothing happens after leaving them. This approach is quite dangerous because many people become like this and its impact on society may lead to extremism and barbarism which we are seeing in most of the polluted countries of the world.

6. Remain passive

Nothing lies in this world for those who have passive approach of spending life. Here success is the prize for active people. Therefore, it is must to be active and take initiative in your every activity. But polluted environment impact people so much so that they don’t have much energies to take initiative and do the things which they must do otherwise they want to remain idle or take rest because of their precarious health due to pollution.

7. Self centered

If you have to face persistent problems of any type you would try to think about yourself and only worry about your interest and wellbeing. This way of living develops collective selfishness in a society and people quit ethics and social norms and may resort to violence for the protection of their interest. This is happening in whole of the third world countries.

8. Being Introvert

People fully disturbed by various pollution problems first think about themselves, about their health, their welfare. This habit makes them introvert who has nothing to think about others and remain engrossed in his own world.

9. Shyness

After suffering from the hazardous impacts of several effects of pollution your nerves weaken so much so you think about negative aspect of everything. As a result you scare to take a step in right direction and become shy and reluctant to take action.

10. Cowardice

Your falling health and weak resistance level makes you habitual of avoiding danger and risk. As a result you remain fearful of doing anything new. Nor you can face the reality and prefer to live like an ostrich that instead of combating the dander hides its head into the sand.

11. Lack of vision

Not only of your eyes’ but your mental vision also shrinks because of permanent load of pollution on your every limb that weakens the real strength of your every limb.

12. Dullness

You forget the words sharpness, agility, vivacity and alacrity. You just spend the life with most essential requirements. As a result you and your life become dull devoid of much pleasure and happiness.
mental problems because of pollution

13. Disgruntled

Those who can’t succeed always complain of due and undue hurdles. After imbibing various effects of pollution your stamina declines and you cannot succeed as much as you otherwise can. As a result you complain of everything and forget about the real cause of your failure or lesser success.

14. Evasiveness

You do whatever is most essential and this habit develops in you so much so that at a later stage even you don’t want to do your essential work. It brings joblessness, social crime and lot of other social malaise in your family and surrounding.

15. Laziness

Your overall passion for life gets affected by pollution. Consequently you become lazy and always think nothing will change either you are active or lazy. Hope completely disappears from your life. 

16. Callousness

You get disturb so much so because of your weaker immune system and other health problems that nobody can move you to do something good. You become simply a burden on society and devoid of any feeling for it.

17. Apathy

Obviously your lack of energy brings a lot of apathy in you and you become good for nothing in your family and community.

18. Lethargy

You try to get rid of any responsibility because you know even if you play your role effectively you will not be able to spend a happy life. Actually disappointment becomes part of your nature.

19. Slowness

Again your weaker health makes you slow to do any work. You take much time to do a small type of work.

20. Lack of confidence

While facing several problems related to your health, livelihood and way of living because of pollution how you can remain confident about anything.


These above 20 psychological effects of pollution do not fall on one person singularly. It depends upon which form of pollution is affecting you most and then some of the above impacts you have to face. So instead of getting disturbed after knowing such gloomy situation we should stand up and play our role for the mitigation of pollution. Smaller actions always lead to bigger change so we must start from today. 

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