Top 5 ideas to celebrate Earth Day 2013

top 5 tips to celebrate Earth Day 2013
Every year Earth Day is celebrated all over the world on 22nd April to resolve together for the protection and conservation of planet Earth that is being harmed by the various types of pollution. It was first time observed in 1970 when aware communities of America realized the growing threats to our planet and they gathered to show their unity to protect it from all types of hazards. The theme for Earth Day 2013 is "Face of Climate Change" that stresses upon the need of working together to address the issue of global warming. 
Every year various awareness programs are arranged on this occasion at global and national level to bring people together for the cause of a safer and greener planet Earth for the better living conditions of ours and our coming
generations. To observe this day you need not to make any hi-fi arrangements. You just have to get together and share your views and concerns for the rising level of resource depletion and environmental degradation. 
Here are the top 5 ideas to celebrate Earth Day 2013 without much formalities or expenses.

If you are an educational institution

You simply ask your students to gather on 22nd April in school/college/university ground each student carrying a placard having a slogan for the protection of Earth. Just walk a few hundred meters together, make photographs of your walk and release it on internet, to newspapers and if you can make a video make it and release it to local and national TV channels. Other people will come to know about Earth Day 2013 and will become aware of the importance of a safer Earth for your better health. They will learn all this through the placard messages you showed in your walk. 

If you are a business

If you are a business organization with huge number of employees, gather them in auditorium or in any open lounge. Ask your Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Manager or any other officer with task of inhouse enviornmental care to let the employees know how to manage clean environment at workplace. They may also be informed of the direct linkage of clean environment with the protection of Earth. Make a report of your green gathering and release it to local and global media through internet to let others know the siginificance of Earth Day 2013.

If you are government department

On the eve of Earth Day 2013 you with your colleagues make a pledge to come to office on this occasion in public transport and don't waste resources like stationery and other such things to address the issue of resource depletion. You can also make aware all your colleagues of the importance of this day and request your boss to be with you in an open place and share your concerns and worries about environmental degradation with each other. Make a press release of your activity and issue it to local print and electronic media for its publicity at a broader level to raise public awareness on this issue.  

If you are a non-governmental organization

If you are an NGO then your role is far more than the others. You have inroads in communities so mingle with communities on Earth Day 2013. Ask them to do tree plantation on this occasion or if there is a coastal community motivate it to go to the beach and clean it voluntarily to make an example for others to follow. Don't forget to take photographs of your activity and release it to the media for its publicity and influence others to follow the green practices in their daily life. 

If you are a housewife

Here again you can play an important role to make your neighbors celebrate Earth Day 2013 on self help basis together. Just get together in a house with more open space in your area of residence and request an educated housewife to let others know about the objectives of this event and how to make our every day as Earth Day. 
So please keep in your mind you need not to wait for an invitation from others to celebrate Earth Day 2013. We all have equal responsiblity to observe it so don't wait and plan an event today. You should also register your event here for others to know about it. 

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