Poor dolphin the latest victim of industrial pollution

NY industrial pollution kills dolphin
Because of the recent wave of cold in US a dolphin lost her way and later life after being trapped into a polluted canal in New York. The canal has moderate amount of industrial pollution as being near to the factories and fuel refineries. This is the latest victim of factory pollution which has also been reported. Otherwise how much the whole world is suffering from this menace is yet to be known in exact terms. No one knows how much precious marine species have yet died because of the load of industrial effluent into the water bodies.

What is industrial pollution?

When all types of refuse including solid, liquid and gaseous comes out from the factory and mixes into our natural environment of water and air by reducing its quality we call it industrial pollution. It affects the health of human beings if we drink water polluted by industries and breathe air contaminated by factory emissions. Besides it also hits the marine life and flora and fauna apart from damaging the agriculture production.

What are the types of industrial pollution?

There are four types of industrial pollution.
Industrial air pollution that comes out from industries as a result of the burning of fossil fuels in its plant and machinery that operate to produce finish goods. The chimney that releases the emissions is called stack and can be developed environment friendly to reduce the quantity of emitting smoke as much as possible.
Industrial water pollution comprises of industrial wastewater that is generated by use of water for washing of raw material, machines, equipment etc.
Industrial effluent that is actually refuse of the manufacturing process where finished goods are made from the raw material and rest of the stuff in liquid from is released into the treatment plant to make it least harmful before dumping it into a water body. Most of such effluent is released directly into the water bodies and is so far a main cause of water pollution all around the world.  
Industrial waste that is the all refuse from the manufacturing process in solid form and it may be hazardous and must be disposed off after its incineration or must be dumped in the scientifically designed landfill sites.

What are the effects of industrial pollution?

  • Industrial pollution reduces the natural quality of water either it is for drinking purpose or for the domestic usage. Effluent of the industries if flows into the water without treatment it shifts lot of chemical and poisonous substance into it. The consumption of such water brings on several serious diseases more particularly related to gastro and digestive system.
  • Industrial pollution also hits the marine life because marine species cannot survive in water full of various industrial wastes and effluent. The environment of industrially polluted water gets so suffocated and as a consequence the reproduction of marine species reduces a lot. Moreover, the sea food loses its quality and nutrition if it is gown into the polluted water.  
  • It damages the entire marine environment by hurting the flora and fauna and makes it quite harmful for the marine life.
  • If water polluted by industries is used for agriculture purpose it either retards the growth of crops or causes production of various agricultural produce less nutritious.

How to control industrial pollution?

  1. To control the industrial pollution all the stakeholders have to play their role. For this purpose:
  2. Industries must treat their effluent before releasing into the water bodies and dispose of waste into the designated landfill site after incineration if necessary.
  3. Industries must follow an environmental management plan in their production process.
  4. Government must implement industrial pollution control laws with strict implementation mechanism.
  5. Legislatures must not come into the pressure of industrialists and frame strict laws and rules to control this menace.
  6. Communities don’t let any industry to pollute and make its complain to the concerned pollution control agency.
  7. Consumers avoid buying goods of those industries that are not environmentally certified. 

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