Climate Change issue from Doha to Davos

Climate change debate at Davos
If no action is taken on climate change, our future generations will be roasted, toasted, grilled and fried. This was the clarion call released by the Managing Director of International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde on the eve of World Economic Forum meeting in Davos Switzerland. What she meant to say is if we keep on just joining our heads at the august forums like WEF and Doha talks we would do nothing. Eventually our coming generations have to face the brunt of the rising level ofclimate change.

WEF Meeting

The WEF meeting has begun in Davos where top leaders of the world would discuss the issue of climate change. They have to discuss how to shift the energy sector from fossil fuel burning to renewable sources. Its cost is propagated so huge but no one is talking about the link between climate change and economy.
If we shift our focus on green energy it will not only generate an economic boost by producing new jobs and reducing one of the costs of the key factors of production but it will also help address the climate change issue. Otherwise if we keep on suffering with global warming we might be facing more natural calamities like Hurricane Sandy and Japan Tsunami in near future. Our economies would be suffering more extra-ordinary losses due to natural catastrophes on the back of alarming level of global warming.

From Doha to Davos

Hopes are not so much high on Davos meet because it would also be an event like the one held in December in Doha. Where huge pledges were indeed made and certain targets to reduce carbon emissions were also made but main decisions were shifted on the shoulders of WEF. The key step is actually to develop a binding agreement among all the top nations of the world to shift their energy sectors on renewables as much as possible.

Kimoon rhetoric

The UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon said recently in a conference that what the world spends on military in one month is equal to our all development expenses from the very beginning of this technological advanced world. But he could not have mentioned another expense that whatever we lost due to natural disasters in previous ten years is equal to our one year’s gains if we produce green energy to meet our power needs of both industrial and household sectors. In this way we could have mitigated the climate change impact on our world and may have avoided the natural disasters we recently went through in US and Japan.


It remains to be seen whether world’s leaders in Davos further the thought-provoking speech of Barrack Obama on climate change issue which he made just after taking as US president for the second time. Or they would also follow his suite to send ripples to media and the world by delivering another catchy statement with full of pledges that needs to be finalized in another forum in days to come. Should we take action on the issue of climate change or keep passing the buck on each other.  

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