Air pollution in Iran is equally lethal like nuclear weapons

Western world under the leadership of US has been so much worry about the presence of the nuclear arsenals in Iran. Civilized world has all the rights to express doubts over the nuclear ambitions of any country. But is it a civilized approach to worry about simply arsenals that immediately kill the people. What about the pollution which silently and slowly kills the human beings and animals both. Where does civilization and peace-loving policies of the West disappear when the question of green peace comes to the fore? They all lack vision to fully understand the broad meaning of peace. The peace reflects a situation where all living and nonliving beings have all the rights to survive and thrive without any immediate or remote danger to their life.

Air pollution in Iranian cities portrays war-like situation

Do Iranian people have no right to breathe clean air or they just have to pay the price of the stubbornness of their fanatic leaders. Nowadays because of the smog pollution in most of the Iranians cities death toll has crossed the count of one thousand. People can’t walk on roads without putting a mask over their mouth and nose. Isn’t it a war-like situation where people have to cover themselves with protective shields?  

Death toll due to air pollution in Iran

During the previous nine months total 4,460 people have died in urban centers of Iran due to the air pollution. It is the only country in the world that has to announce two public holidays due to rising level of smog pollution a year or two earlier. At that time visibility was below zero level because of the huge brown haze in the air. People were not able to see with the support of any type of the visibility enhancer.

Main reason of air pollution in Iran

The main reason of the rising level of air pollution in Iran is the use of adulterated fuel. Its main source of foreign exchange is oil export. That is why it focuses more on oil production than on oil refining. Therefore, its oil refinery sector is not able to meet the local demand of the refined oil. Besides, because of Iran’s isolation from the most of the world it has no any strong mechanism to check the prices that are now moving out of the reach of common man. As a result in greed of higher profit retailers adulterate the oil sell it on lower prices to apparently facilitate the common man. This adulteration business is going on at a massive level in Iran.

Air pollution in Iran becomes worst in cold

According to confirm reports, after the recent wave of the cold along with fog it is not possible to walk at the street of the Iranian capital Tehran without wearing any protective breathing mask. Even with this mask people have tear in eyes because of the excessive gases emissions from the vehicles including carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, benzene and lead particles. The diseases of throat sting, asthma and eye infection are common. Lung cancer and other respiratory disease have taken the lives of one thousand people in one month.

Air pollution control in Iran

There are more than 5.5 million vehicles in Tehran alone. They collectively emit five million tonnes of the carbon dioxide apart from other harmful gases including sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Experts stressed upon the need of a viable plan to control the traffic pollution in Tehran, a home to nearly 14 million people. The pollution control system in Iran is just like other less developed Asian countries where environment has never been in their priority areas.


Environmentalists and volunteers are very right to ask that the US and the other western countries have many concerns over the Iran’s interest in uranium enrichment for the nuclear technology. But no any country has any interest to pressurize it to control its carbon emissions which obviously impact the whole world. Its immediate effect would result as further depletion in ozone layer because of the carbon emissions that is a global issue. It is a question mark over the sincerity of the global demagogues who are much concerned over the safety of this word. Is pollution not a threat to the safety of this world??????