About Pollution

pollution define
Have you ever seen a person in your whole life talking in favour of pollution or outright opposing the pollution control that is done for the cause of better environment? Even did you ever hear or watch a person who damn care the menace of pollution.
We all very vehemently talk against pollution, express grave concerns on its rise, strongly demand for its abatement, slam our leaders on not saving our environment but practically what we do. Maximum we give a meagre amount for the cause of pollution control to a green outfit or join a walk that too once in a year or watch a talk show on hazards of pollution where two or three so-called champions of environment beat about the bush and wind up the debate with lot of hollow pledges. In our daily life how much change we observe in our individual and collective behaviours regarding the protection of environment from the menace of pollution. In backward countries there is no change in both the behaviours and in developed countries individually there is lot of sense of responsibility in people but collectively environment is yet to get place in priority list of the most of the rich countries.

Global apathy for environment

All our global demagogues do know how to control pollution locally and globally but they simultaneously do know its huge cost. To control pollution they have to compromise over their frenzy for more and more production to excel in standard of living, they have to compromise over the luxuries in life and they have to bridle their desire to become most powerful in the world through nuclear and economic aggrandizement. Therefore, they are following a cautious approach to control pollution and taking steps in areas where there is no conflict of interest like civic pollution control but as far as industrial, thermal and nuclear pollution is concerned they first follow their national and global agenda and after that look to these issues.
It means our leadership at local and global level is not serious to control pollution. Our innocent environmentalists very seriously issue every year the lists of top ten polluted countries and cities of the world but they may not know that even the cleanest cities and countries are not safe from the pollution done by other because of trans-border movement of air, oil and marine pollution. Compromises over pollution control are rife all the world but we the people are suffering from this menace physically, biologically, psychologically, socially and morally.

Lethargy for green legislation

It is interesting to note that in most of the less developed countries the process of legislation against pollution is very slow because most of the legislators are themselves directly or indirectly worst polluters and are reluctant to legislate against themselves. In poor countries most of the legislators hail from agriculture or industrial sectors and these two sectors are the main contributors of pollution in such countries. These legislators represent their countries at global forums and portray the environment scene of their countries as “not bad” and convince the leaders of the developed countries not to worry so much about rise in pollution in their part of the world. Our global leaders for the sake of congenial international relations have no choice but to believe in deceptive descriptions about the status of environment in poor countries.
Developed countries are very proud of controlling the pollution but they don’t fully know the fact that every type of pollution does not know any borders or trans-boundary barrier. Many studies have endorsed that air pollution can migrate to thousands of miles and similarly heavy load of marine pollution can also move across the oceanic borders. Non-polluters may have to suffer from the anti-environment acts of polluters and now environmentalists have to devise a new method of non-polluter pay principal instead of the newly devised polluter pay principal.  

About Pollution and Violence

One of the biggest global effects of pollution is violence. Air and noise pollution reduce our tolerance level and hence why people in polluted countries quickly resort to violence in case of a dispute at individual level. This attitude has grown in societies of such countries and now as nation they are collectively so violent and are resorting to violence to settle both their local and global conflicts. War and terrorism all around the world is ample proof of the worst political effects of the menace of pollution. There may be several other reasons of violence but pollution is also one of them.

About Pollution and Poverty

Greed of more and more production especially of luxuries to make the life extra comfortable has blindly industrialized more than half of the world. During this process our attitudes have also been industrialized and we see our material benefits in our every action. But the rapid industrialization has also widened the gap between haves and have-nots as the rise in industrial production made the producers of wealth richer and they have authority over the distribution of wealth and they keep most of the profit with themselves and distribute peanuts amongst workers. This has intensified the vicious circle of the poverty and pollution played havoc with the life of poor who have to pay more to spend life in a polluted environment because of the rise in the cost of living.
Poverty brings on lack of awareness and societies turn backward where no one knows the balance between wants and means. People in poor societies don’t know to remain within their resources to spend a happy life. They don’t believe in birth control and have lot of kids which ultimately causes huge rise in population and creates shortage of produce because of higher demand and lesser supply. In this way prices go up and only haves can afford to spend a healthy life and poor people rot in destitute.

About Pollution and Corruption

Race in standard of living because of staying away from polluted and backward areas brings on greed for money. In societies where there is no justice system for wages workers in such societies resort to unfair means to earn money and corruption is one of them. People in polluted countries have to earn more to have their share from the scanty and costly resources so that they spend a life quite away from backward and polluted areas. For this purpose they don’t hesitate to adopt corrupt practices to get more money.
Moreover, owing to persistent pollution of all types people get physically and mentally weaker and don’t want to work hard. Meanwhile, their cost of living does not come down and they don’t have any choice but to earn money to spend a clean life. For this purpose they consider corruption a way-out to earn more and remain prosperous.

About Pollution and Social Decay

The social fabric of societies is crippled owing to chaos and disorder. Pollution is one of its main reasons because people are now psychologically so weak and want to spend their life with minimum contribution in social activities. Hence why the concept of social interaction is dying and people have become so materialistic and harsh in their daily life. As a result most of the polluted societies are going through the worst type of social decay where the true spirit of social life has faded away. 

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