What is pollution? Answer is shocking but we have to learn it

What is pollution? It's a simple question but its answer is not so simple. 

It's lengthy and the sad saga of human sufferings.

The environmental damages have brought human life almost to the verge of the disaster. 

The key question; what is pollution?

what is pollution
Even the briefest reply of the question “what is pollution” must be of sizable length to describe human sufferings because of the environmental damages which has brought human life to the verge of disaster.

A gloomy picture of our environment

Smoke emitting chimneys of factories, silencers of vehicles, industrial effluents flowing into seas and oceans, mismanagement of solid waste, mishandling of hospital and hazardous waste, wanton destruction of trees, unchecked use of chemical fertilizer, unsafe spilling of nuclear waste and much more such environmental violations are more than enough to reflect the sorry state of green affairs.

It is generally said that if harmful effects of pollution could have been quantified, there would have been panic in societies and people might stop doing any kind of activity which may directly or indirectly damage the environment.

The broader picture is gloomier 

Individually the damage to the environment seems tiny but when such carelessness adds together across the globe, it becomes disaster; havoc that is enough to shatter the foundation of peaceful natural life in this world.

During previous few decades it was felt all over the globe that if not controlled properly, this menace to life would destroy our natural environment and we may not be able to hand over this world to our future generations as safer as we were given by our ancestors.

Lack of care and greed for more

But the craze of more and more technological advancement and economic development has forced us at various stages to compromise the safety of the environment just to earn some more bugs.

This carelessness is widely prevailing in the less developed world but the developed countries are also not lagging behind in this race of damaging environment for the benefits of more and more productions.

Efforts at the global level

Nations of the world many times joined their heads to mull over the ways and means to check the environmental degradation but at individual levels, they do less and just pay lip service to ever-growing environmental issues. This malady is common in the backward world but the developed world can not be declared champion of environmental protection.

The positive aspect of the sad story of environmental pollution is that at individual-level awareness is rising among people where there are a vast number of people working in groups and communities to protect their environment on a self-help basis.

Silver lining 

Some global donors are also playing their due role to help protect the natural environment from the menace of pollution. However, there is no uniformity in green efforts at a broader level and that is why the pollution level in various parts of the world is quite different. In African and Asian countries it is more evident than the advanced nations of Europe and America.

Damage to the environment matters more

The per day cost of pollution in monetary terms vary from country to country. Somewhere it is $0.1 million dollars a day and somewhere it is above $1 million dollars per day. But it is not the issue of monetary gains or losses but it is the matter of life of human beings which is priceless.


Before concluding, let’s see what is pollution? Anything that adulterates the natural environment is called pollution. Be it our water, land or air. If any harmful contents are mixed into it so we say these phenomena of nature are polluted. Right.

Knowing what is pollution is important but to know how to control is more important. So in coming posts, we would learn how to control pollution through the twin blades of awareness and legal enforcement.

What do you know about pollution? Please share your views in the comments section below. I am sure you will share this post on social media to let more and more people know about this important issue. 

1 comment:

  1. You are extremely right pollution is such a dangerous poison that very slowly hits our health and we must wake up from deep sombre to combat it collectively.
    Very informative article I am very much impressed by the way of your writing style. Keep share such stuff in future
