Pollution problems

pollution effects
Like its kinds, harms and effects; the pollution problems are also more than several. We can divide the problems created by pollution into four broad categories.

  • ·         Environmental
  • ·         Physical
  • ·         Psychological
  •       · Financial

Environmental problems by pollution
Environment is the worst hit of pollution. As we know that all around us either natural or artificial is part of our environment. Roads, bridges, buildings, subways, tress, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans, valleys, crop fields, deserts, land, air, water, vacuum, sky, clouds etc are all the part of our overall environment. Pollution either it is in the air, land or water directly or indirectly impacts the environment negatively. For example if polluted water flows into the river, sea or lake it causes water pollution which ultimately disturbs the good balance of marine life and affects it to a great extent. If living beings either human beings or animals drink polluted water, they get victims of several water born diseases, gastro ones are most significant of them.
Physical problems by pollution
Pollution hits our buildings, roads, bridges, subways and entire infrastructure of life so badly. All types of metals rust due to the air pollution. The buildings, bridges, roads, highways dilipidate owing to air, water and land pollution.Similarly pollution hits the health of human beings. There are hundreds of diseases that are caused by this menace all over the world.
Psychological problems
Because of pollution nearly half of the population of the world is directly or indirectly affected with several psychological disorders. Our whole nervous system can be worst hit of noise and air pollution. Noisepollution hurts our hearing while vehicular emissions shrink our mind power. Overall half of the psychological diseases are the end results of one or the other form of pollution.
Financial problems
Despite being quantifiable in nature, the financial problems because of pollution are innumerable. Entire production in this world either agriculture, industrial or of services is unable to reach its original potential because of the environmental degradations. Efficiency of the production of both human beings and machines is far below its capacity because of the menace of pollution. Production of raw material which is necessary for the manufacturing of the final goods is under stress due to the never-ending process of polluting our natural resources.
According to a report, environmental losses in financial terms if quantified may snatch the peace of every sensitive mind because of their quantum. A rough estimate suggest that daily environmental losses due to menace of pollution is more than one trillion dollar across the globe in the shape of missed production of goods and services.
Overall we can say that pollution is silent killer which is taking our world to the verge of the disaster through a gradual process which is not felt by all and only scientists and environmentalists are well aware of the likelihood of this great tragedy. The need is to make aware all about the problems of pollution so that each one play his or her role to keep containing its spread to save this world from any kind of the damage or disaster.  
You may also read my article pollution hazards to develop more understanding on harms of pollution. 

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